Added Games:
Eminent Domain – Tasty Minstrel Games
Belfort – Tasty Minstrel Games
JAB: Real-Time Boxing – Tasty Minstrel Games
Train of Thought – Tasty Minstrel Games
Homesteaders – Tasty Minstrel Games

Added Upcoming Games:
Q3 2011 Martian Dice – Tasty Minstrel Games
Q3 2011 Hey, That’s My Fish! – Fantasy Flight Games
Q3 2011 Food Fight – Cryptozoic Entertainment
Q3 2011 POX: Save the People – Tiltfactor
Q4 2011 Blood Bowl: Team Manager – The Card Game – Fantasy Flight Games

Explore games by mechanic or theme
New options in the main navigation’s “GAMES”
drop down menu
Now you can easily browse through games of a specific mechanic or theme. You can also do this by clicking on a theme or mechanic in the info area on a game page, but we thought we’d make it even more accessible!

need some updates
Could you add War! Age of Imperialism, Attack!, and some of the Flying Frog Productions games?
I love what you’ve done so far with the site, and I know it will only get better from here. A couple of suggestions which you may have already been considering:
1) The current database is thin and adding new games to the database takes time to do right. Could users who earned a certain critic badge be able to add new games. Then, you could still have a workflow that approves reviews before they go live. This would be a way to add more hands on deck while maintaining quality. To reduce duplicate effort, all pending reviews are viewable/editable by similar badge holders.
2) I really miss seeing photos of the games, pieces and player shots. Again, an earned contributor badge could help with this. A similar grading process that you have for reviews and tips could apply to images.
3) I’m not a big fan of the Yes/No grading system. I think a 1-5 might work better. Maybe an opportunity to comment on why a lower grade was given would help reviewers see how to improve their reviews.
It’s clear you’ve created a quality site and certainly want to keep it that way. I think there’s opportunity to let some of the members help fill out the content.
I think that BGG and this site will serve two totally different purposes with some slight overlap. BGG is very comprehensive, but it sacrifices elegance and simplicity by doing so. For me personally, it is just too busy visually. It is the boardgame equivalent of “fiddly”. Also, I don’t foresee a lot of my casual boardgaming friends ever visiting the site. I like that this site is simple to navigate, fun and engaging (and it is only in beta).
As for users adding games: I am actually against it as I think it would dilute the quality and uniformity of the content. Instead, I am for a request based system where users can request games to be added that get put on a priority list with the games with the most requests being added first. And so what if every game invented is not on this site. As long as the best games are here, do we really care if marginal and poor games are added?
Please don’t try to copy BGG. Just take the best and leave out the rest.
What I really miss here are the wargames 🙁
@ cpf86 As a New to the board gaming scene I for one eat up any new site I can find that talks about this wonderful hobby. When I got the invite for BordGaming I jumped at the chance to check it out; Little did I know that it would incourage me to post comments, tips & reviews something that I rarley do on BGG. One thing I would like to see more of is previews of up coming games and maybe interviews or how about a place to put how to videos / tips?
@GiantEight wasn’t able to go to that. What conferences would you most recommend we go to?
@ cpf86 (and whomever) ~ I am no fan of BGG. That community really sucks the fun out of talking about board games. This site, without the message boards, and with the leveling and games and whatnot, is much more fun and light. Way too many people there looking for an argument.
Any news from the World Boardgaming Champs (WBC) in Lancaster, PA? Spent the whole week there and it was a riotous good time!
i think the important question is to ask “why is there a need for this site when there is already BGG?” i am not shooting down this site as i think is is looking good so far. But if this does nothing more than to split up the user base to the 2 site, then it’s not worth having! May be the focus is to have new gamers discover new games is a fun way? what ever the reason, if you are clear on what distinguish your site from BGG, then you can better make a lot of your decision and site features implementations!
Awaiting the ability to rate reviews / tips / strategy / variants. Currently only available on the front page.
Looking forward to what this site brings. So far I love the layout and the way things function. Not letting users enters games certainly slows things down, but I’ll bet things stay cleaner by doing so.
You could also allow people to add games and hold it in a database on the back end for your perusal. You could then choose the best description or cross-check with all descriptions of the same game… combining information as necessary (photos, number of players, expansions, etc.)
Yes, but maybe only users of certain rank? Just so you don’t get flooded out. Lots to add to build up this community, but so far this site looks fantastic.
I’d say the ability to add games (with approval from you), and the ability to edit reviews are the most important additions to make. I’d also like to see a forum.
I appreciate everyone’s feeback here, with so much still to do, your feedback helps us to know what to put first on our priority list. Our mission is to set a high bar for the quality of content, but we also understand that 230 games isn’t scratching the surface of all the great games out there. Being in beta is a big balancing act between adding more content and also expanding the features of the site. Rather than going into detail in this comment, stay tuned this week for news articles where we’ll be answering questions and looking for feedback. The reason we decided to launch so early in the process of development was to mold our site with your feedback, so that it ends up being better than anything we could have done on our own. Thanks!
Some folks above mention hundreds of games behind the curve, unfortunately, this is actually thousands. The RPG section is pathetically anemic. I could add more in one day than you have listed. Pathfinder, GURPS, Traveller, Tunnels and Trolls, Castles and Crusades, ad nauseum. The board games just … wow, you simply need thousands more.
I agree, the games need to be expanded greatly. A submission process would be great but I am sure would need some time and work. It would be great to have not just new games but older, collectible games on here as well. Am I right in guessing there is a publisher fee to get your game on here in exchange for the advertising that mayhaps limits the selection?
Colored avatars… are they unlocked via some special quest or restricted at this time to the site developers and VIPs?
It seems the Follower quest is not functioning, I have followed several folks and it does not reflect in my quests.