Our “loot” from Gen Con just arrived in the mail today! I’ve spent the afternoon getting these games up on the site (with exception to the prototype copy of NOIR).

Too many new games from Fantasy Flight!
The Fantasy Flight Games were the first games I got. In fact, when we finally figured out where to get the lanyards for our badges, the exhibit hall had opened so I went straight to the FFG booth, picked up the games, and stood in the purchase line for a good 45 minutes. It turned out to be a good move because Elder Sign and Blood Bowl: Team Manager – The Card Game sold out later that day.
Meeting TMG’s founder
Jon met Michael Mindes, the founder of Tasty Minstrel Games, and ended up picking up a copy Eminent Domain and Train of Thought.
In the exhibit hall, as I passed the Cryptozoic Entertainment booth, I saw everyone sitting at picnic tables playing a hilarious game called Food Fight, so I had to pick up a copy. We played it later that night and had a good laugh. Here is the picnic table area…

Local Indie developer
How did I get a copy of a prototype game you may ask… Well, we met up with game developer D. Brad Talton Jr. of Level 99 Games, who happens to live near us in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He showed us some of his iPad apps, which were very impressive, and NOIR: Killer vs. Inspector ended up making it into the app store before it got printed in physical form. He then graciously gave us a copy of the prototype, which we will treasure!
And finally, the hidden gem I found at Gen Con…
POX: Save the People. I’ll be writing a full article about this game and the company behind it, because I was very impressed with their unique game concepts and overall mission as a company. After demoing the game, learning about its concept and the company’s mission, I was hooked. I’ll admit, I played it with Greg, our amazing illustrator, on the flight home and we lost all 3 times! Check out the POX game page to learn more about it.
It’s going to take awhile for me to soak all these games in. Until I write more about them, check out the game pages I uploaded. I found a great video for Blood Bowl, so check that out. Also check out FFG’s video about Rune Age.
If you have any specific questions about these games, post them below in the comments, and I’ll try to get to them as soon as I can.
Happy Gaming 🙂
Those were the days. Hope this stuff happens for this site again!
Just adding in that the official address is 5001 Montgomery, but the easier way to get to the part of the strip mall it’s in is on San Mateo.
It’s a weird location because the strip mall is two stories but doesn’t look like it from the front. You go around back and suddenly you’re seeing the somewhat subterranean level with the AI banner on the building over the entrance that will get you to the store.
Well, a week from this Saturday they’re having a big board gaming bonanza at 6pm. There’s gonna be people there all day, but the festivities officially start at 6.
AI is pretty cool, once you find it. There’s tons of gaming area since their location used to be a two screen movie theater. Just make sure you’re going to the place on San Mateo, and not Juan Tabo. The Juan Tabo location is pretty much purely for their hard core M:tG customers.
@Wind Lane I was going to go there last night, but ended up working more on the site. I really want to go there and bring these games I got from Gen Con to play. What days next week are good for board game nights. I can’t guarantee I can make it, but I’d like to try.
I recently moved to Albuquerque, so I haven’t spent any time at AI as of yet. But I want to get a group going, or join a group already there, to play some board games on a more consistent basis!
Do you guys play at AI all that much? I’m trying to see if I’ve met you before.
And I’ve played that NOIR game – interesting bit of deduction meets opposed puzzle.
@bookwyrmm Sorry about that… The small green box is the second expansion (adventure pack) for Lord of the Rings: The Card Game. Then there is FFG’s Rune Age, Arcana Revised Edition and “Hey, That’s My Fish!”… I’ve been so busy this week that sadly they are still waiting to be played 🙁 If you look at the related games box on the top right part of this page, you’ll see links to all the games in the picture, with exception to NOIR.
What about the other games pictured but not mentioned?
Really a lot of news, but I am waiting for the incomming Black Friday to buy the old titles first.
BloodBowl: Team Manager looks interesting. Fantasy Flight always makes fantastic components.
I was going to play it this week, but with the surge of new users, my priority #1 is getting more games on the site!
I’m intrigued by Elder Sign. I’m not sure how you create the AH atmosphere in a fairly short dice game. Did anyone play it?
FFG seems to be quickly growing into “THE” gaming company. From miniatures, to RPGs, to board games and card games, FFG is doing a splendid job showing fans and competitors what they are capable of.
I have to agree, David. FFG really blew it out of the water at this year’s Gen Con. It made me want to go next year to just to be ahead of the curve on their releases for Fall 2012.
Hope you enjoy Train of Thought – Please let me know any feedback you have on it!
Fantasy Flight did have a great number of new offerings this year. They are really going all out now and coming out with some awesome products.