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Through the Ages
This game has quickly climbed to become one of my favorite game of all time since 2 years ago when I played it at a convention. The simplicity of the rules (relative to other epic civ games) yet deceivingly deep game play gives it alot of replayability. and if you have a regular group to play with, you will grow with each other as your strategy and understanding of the game increases. It’s surprisingly not too hard to teach even non gamers if they shows the interest.
Like all civ games, you have to balance your city carefully in all aspect from mining to culture to research and military. Failing in any category for too long and you’ll see your opponents exploiting your weakness. Yet, there’s just never enough resources to do everything and you’ll need to prioritise your nation’s needs to succeed.
although the game uses all the same cards every time, the order that it comes up as well as the tactics of the opponent will create a huge but subtle difference, forcing you to adapt. no 2 games really feels the same. At the same time, there’s a deck of military and events cards that has huge impact on game play and for those decks, you only go though around half of it each game. There’s huge control over the ebb and flow of the game for the experienced players and games feels like a constant struggle to take that slight edge over your opponents.
definitely a game that all strategy gamers must own! or at least, play it free on!