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Lost Cities: The Card Game
Lost Cities is a great, light, two-player card game with some strategy to punch it up. Like most Knizia games, the trick is to figure out when you want your pain and in how big a dose. You are always going to be forced to do something you don’t want to do whether it is play a card your opponent can use or play something sooner than you want. The fun part is watching your opponent go through the same agony.
The goal is really just to play enough cards to get positive points more often than you play cards to get negative points. That’s right, you start in the hole on this one. But keeping ahead of the giant rolling boulder is most of the fun in this game.
Also like most Knizia games, the theme is really an afterthought to the mechanisms. Still, the theme in Lost Cities actually feels like a part of the game if you have any sort of imagination due mostly to the beautiful art work on the cards (although I did feel like I was playing one of those Old Maid games with the giant cards).
If you are on the lookout for a good game when there aren’t many gamers around, Lost Cities is a great bet.