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Forbidden Desert
It’s difficult to talk about Forbidden Desert and not talk about Forbidden Island. At the same time they are different games and both are excellent additions to any game collection as long as you enjoy co-op games.
Forbidden Desert is more difficult than Forbidden Island but still has the easy to learn but difficult to master appeal.
My favorite game play mechanic in Forbidden Desert is how the board is always changing. Tiles are moving around and collecting sand constantly. The changes on the board depict a ever changing landscape that is true to a sandstorm.
Having two clues to find where a piece of the flying machine is at on the board then having to collect that piece makes every game different and challenging.
Each player managing their water is a very big concern in this game and the way that my fellow adventures and I have lost the game the most.
The components in the game are really well done. The engine of the flying machine is a little metal piece that looks like an engine and the other flying machine parts are made of very sturdy plastic. The tiles are just as thick and durable as the Forbidden Island tiles. The Sand tiles are slightly thinner but that works well for stacking them.
My only very slight disappointment in the components is that the flying machine doesn’t fit back into the box if the propeller is attached to it. If you take the propeller off then the flying machine fits back into it’s place in the insert. This is very minor because there is another place in the insert that the propeller fits into.
Overall Forbidden Desert is a great addition to my game collection and something that my game group, Family, and Friends have all enjoyed playing.