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Memoir '44
Me and Memoir ’44
I’ve always loved history and especially war history. Now when I started boardgaming, this game haunted me on the shelves. I always looked at it, but the cartoonish drawing on the box kind of made it look uninteresting to me. “War’s not cartoonish!”, I said in my head. Then I did some researching, and now I’ve ended up with Memoir ’44 and multiple expansions. And I love it!
The Premise
You are commander in chief for either Axis or Allies as you try to best your opponent in battle. You have infantry, tanks and artillery at your disposal and it’s up to you how you maneuver and engage with them. This is the second world war, and winning or losing means everything.
Out of the box
This game is beautiful. Really, the components are top notch. You got sturdy cards, a thick board and lots of gray and green army men to fight with. Even the miniatures are modeled after the sides they represent: the allies soldiers hold rifles and have Sherman tanks while the axis wield MP40 SMG’s and fight with Panzer IV’s. The artillery looks the same on both sides but that doesn’t matter. This game also has a manual which is quite well written and has almost twenty scenarios in it for you to play. Overall this is great.
Actual gameplay
The actual gameplay is really simple. You play a card and move/shoot with your units. Different terrains have different protective values for your army men to cover in. The game is so simple that even a total newbie to boardgames or a child could learn them easily. This is an excellent aspect.
The gameplay, even though being really simple, is surprisingly deep. You can maneuver with your forces, retreat to city in order to have better cover, flank with your forces to go around that barbed wire or take ground with your infantry when you drive the defenders away. There’s also different kind of cards to make the gameplay even deeper.
These two aspects are what makes Memoir ’44 so special. Simple and fast to learn, but hard to master. It does matter a lot if you are a new player or veteran of countless of battles. The scenarios aren’t really balanced, but the idea is to play the scenario on both sides and then decide the winner by gained medals/killed units in total. I would have loved if the scenarios would have been more balanced, but it’s hard to do with games like this. I don’t believe that they are supposed to be balanced either, but rather represent the historical situations. The game has all sorts of interesting mechanics as well, like paradrops.
The game also has multitude of expansions which is great, but smells a bit like money milking. You have to own, for example, two sets of Pacific Theater to play one of the scenarios in the included scenario booklet.
Final words
Memoir ’44 is a great game for new and old players alike. It has a solid gameplay, great components and short play time which all make it an excellent choice for family game. It scales from 2 to 8 players (if you play the overlord scenarios, needs two sets of Memoir ’44) and has a lot to play as there are a lot of user made scenarios on the internet.
The downside is the money milking scheme of the game, something you have to get used to if you want to have full experience out of Memoir ’44. Some of the expansions are OOP as well and never to be printed again it seems like, which is sad as some expansions like Air Pack seem to be a great addition to the game.
Buy this game if you are into war history and like tactical games.