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Elder Sign: Omens
UPDATE – After another miserable, failed go at Cthulhu, I have decided to a) delete the game from my iPad; b) downgrade it from my initial ‘7’ to ‘4’; and c) never speak of this again. If you want more info on why I quite this game and gave it a bad score, read my Impression under the Discussions tab.
I bought this for my iPad after I became addicted to Elder Sign. While Omens is a great way to scratch that ES itch, it has some shortcomings that will keep it from replacing the board game.
THE GOOD – It’s mobile. It’s Elder Sign in the go! It comes with some terrific video tutorials. Can be helpful for figuring out those sometimes-hard-to-interpret Fantasy Flight instruction manuals.
THE BAD – It would be nice to see an animation of cards (mythos, common, unique, etc.) being ‘drawn’. Without that, it doesn’t look like a board game. That is in no way a deal breaker, but it IS something I had to get used to. The digital version also did away with the Ancient One battles that sometimes occur when the doom track fills up. It was quite jarring when I expected Yog-Sothoth(sp?) to awaken and do battle with my investigators. Nope. I was treated to some animation of the world coming to an end and a “You failed” message. Ummmm, okay.
THE UGLY – There’s something ‘off’ about having the sensation of rolling physical dice removed from me. Yes, it’s digital and therefore mandates the need for artificial dice rolling, but that feeling is gone…and with that feeling come another, less appealing sensation of the game somehow ‘loading the dice’ with rolls AND location cards. Example, after taking it to Cthulhu in the museum (7 elder signs to his 0 doom tokens), everything got turned upside down in the second half of the game. Suddenly there were THREE “at midnight” effects in play, two of which were adding one or more doom tokens per round. That coincided with my investigators’ dice rolls suddenly going cold. Mysteriously, conveniently cold. The very same thing has happened to me when playing the board game version but again, I go back to the dice rolling aspect. When I roll dem bones and they come up useless, it’s all on me. When the game does it for me, I have my doubts.
SUMMARY – Elder Sign Omens is a GREAT game for when you’re on the go. It plays smoothly and channels the board game quite well. It DOES have what I feel are some dubious dice rolls and location appearances, plus the latter half of most Elder Sign encounters (battling the Ancient Ones) is simply not there. Is it worth the cost? I say yes. Does is replace the board game? No.