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Give 10 hearts (loyalty points) to a single game
Give 10 hearts (loyalty points) to a single game
Alcatraz: The Scapegoat
Alcatraz is a game that is cooperative yet competitive, static and changing. It is quite a lot of fun! The game board consists of twelve tiles that can be arranged in any order, in a 3 by 4 grid. These are rooms in the prison, that can provide various tools or other actions that are useful in the game. You and your friends are trying to escape Alcatraz, and in order to do that, you must complete tasks, with letters on them, A through F. Once each task is represented by all players, you can escape…BUT one of you must stay behind! So as opposed to a game with one winner and several losers, this is a game with several winners and one loser. This sets up an individual, frequently the Scapegoat, to possibly hinder escape. Each round, players vote on a Scapegoat, who receives an extra action in his or her turn, and they cannot receive credit for tasks completed that turn! To determine the loser, you look to see which player is the least useful in your escape…meaning you are the least redundant when it comes to tasks completed. For example, if only one player has completed task E, that player will be with the winners, because without her, the team cannot escape. Another player has completed tasks B, D, and F, but those are all tasks that others have completed also. This player is at risk of being left behind.
The game mechanic is very simple, and the game gets quite tense. I highly recommend it!