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Hmmm ... nothing yet ... maybe Hubert doesn't play games that much (or maybe Hubert doesn't realize that BG Gold can be earned by playing games (hint hint).

Hmmm ... nothing yet ... maybe Hubert doesn't really like games that much?

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Mice and Mystics
After playing descent (1st and 2nd editions) – M&M drew my attention. However for a while I could not convince myself – how can I enjoy playing the game with mice miniatures. I was hesitating for quite a while, however in the end I decided to go for it.
Even when I had it in my hands – I was still wondering – why I took it 🙂 After first game play – all my doubts have been cleared.
Mechanic is easy to learn. Rules were already polished and clarified. Only thing I can say about the game is that:
It’s not an easy one 🙂 If you want to play “by the book” – as it goes – you might be surprised that it’s quite a challenge to get your mice from one end of the board to another.
Want to see more – meaning – expansions.