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Our group has played with these rules since “The Coldest War” but now with “Dark Rages” and the avatars its even better. So each player begins by choosing a faction and then choosing 3 minions from that faction. So each game will have a total of 12 minion stacks to purchase from. Even though you are allowed to purchase from any stack, with the avatars, you may want to stick to 2 factions. We then as a group select 6-8 action cards to round out our orders. A nice combination of direct damage, removal, healing and maybe a little influence providers. That way each player can kind of go their own direction. Now it gets weird. We each take our starting minion stack of SIX cards. An example would be my favorite, the Ghouls. 2 Enraged Wight, 2 Patrol Zombie and 2 JAREK. Now each player has exactly 12 influence to purchase from the available cards to round out their starting decks. And with 4 players we always play with 60 wounds. We find with 60 wounds the game lasts the perfect length and all players are able to really formulate a strategy. From this point on the game plays out with the normal rules.