King Midas
gamer level 6
7797 xp
7797 xp
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Explorer - Level 2
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Earn Explorer XP to level up by completing Explorer Quests!

Gamer - Level 6
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Amateur Advisor
Submit 5 game tips, strategies, or house rules and receive a total of 60 positive ratings.
Submit 5 game tips, strategies, or house rules and receive a total of 60 positive ratings.

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Give 100 hearts (loyalty points) to a single game
Snake Oil
To make the game “really” interesting. We pick out our hand but do not look at our cards. We then get the person to the left to draw two cards and place them “face down” in front of you. YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO LOOK AT YOUR CARDS UNTIL IT IS YOUR TURN. The 1st person then starts their Pitch before they reveals the cards. After the opening pitch has begun, the player than reveals the cards and explain the product more.
This is a very random way to play as you have no time to come up with any ideas for the product – It keeps it fresh and everyone is just itching to see what the product is.
Try it out!