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I Got What I Wanted
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Mr. Jack
Mr. Jack is one of those games, which are easily learned but hard to master. The rules are not complex, every turn(out of 8) you have to move 2 out of the 4 available characters for the turn.
Additionally all characters have a special ability, you can/must use.
After both players (Mr. Jack/Inspector) have moved their characters for the turn, all characters either have witnesses or not.
You have witnesses when you are adjacent to a lamp post or to another character, otherwise you are without witnesses. As the Mr. Jack player you have to declare if Mr. Jack has witnesses or not. Thereby the Inspector player can deduct who remains as a viable suspect.
The goal of the inspector is to whittle the list of possible suspects down to one, the goal of Mr. Jack to either escape the game board or remain undetected through the 8 turns.
The inspector will initially have an easier time, but if up against an experienced Mr. Jack this might not be the case.