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At the beginning of the game, specialize in one colour of Pyramid and set it to Level 2. Pick a secondary focus to set at Level 1. This will let you get off to a running start and allow you to buy a high level Power Tile in the first round.
First, Pray to get your Ankhs to 7. Next, Raise your Level 2 pyramid to Level 3. Finally, you can purchase a Level 3 Tile with 2 more moves remaining allowing you to go conquer something.
I find specializing in White at the beginning to be most beneficial (and it has often become a race to get the White Tiles we want) as they focus on Economy and Infrastructure and can really make actions in subsequent turns more powerful (giving you more currency, building up your pyramids faster, etc.)
My favourite tile is Hand of God (White, Level 3) which will raise a pyramid one level each Night Phase for free. The Priest of Amon (White, Level 4) gives you 5 Ankh in addition to the basic 2 every Night, making you quite financially secure very early on.
Next build up your secondary focus (Red or Blue) depending on which tactics you enjoy employing (Red is more Attack oriented, whist Blue is more focused on Defence, but has some very strong powers nonetheless).