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Review 3 games and receive a total of 40 positive review ratings.
Review 3 games and receive a total of 40 positive review ratings.
Small World: Necromancer Island
Necromancer Island brings a whole new gameplay to Small World.
The person who choose to be the feared and legendary necromancer will find that everyone else talks about him and keeps a close eye on every move he takes because the necromancer can end the game and be crowned winner before the time is up.
The necromancer has not the same goal as the other player. His one goal and pleasure is to raise his fourteen ghosts to Small World. As soon as he gets all his ghosts in play he wins. He needs four souls (killed race tokens) to raise a ghost from his Well of Souls or can buy one ghost at the price of gold wich equal the necromancer’s aktive ghosts and special powers plus one. So lets say he has three ghost and an one special power on the board then it will cost him five gold to buy one new ghost. And speaking of special powers the necromancer will in the opening of the game recive six random special powers he can use througout the game. He will start with one aktive and to get the rest he has to buy them at the same price as goes for the ghost.
The Necromancer Island is a terrifying cool expansion to Small World. It gives the game a whole new vibe not only for the one playing the necromancer but also for the rest of the players. The adversaries of the necromancer will have to play together to make sure the population of ghosts is kept down to a minimum but they still have to gain more coin than the others so keep your friends close and your enemies closer because you never know when the player you just worked with to take down the necromancer’s ghosts will stab you in the back and let your scraming soul float into the necromancer’s Well of Souls.