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Five Tribes: The Djinns of Naqala
Place tiles randomly in a 5×6 grid. Place all meeples in bag and blind draw and place them on tiles until there are 3 on each tile. Determine player order and place markers on order track.
In turn order players place their marker on bid track one at a time.
Then in order each player picks up all the meeples on a single tile and places them one at a time on sequential tiles in a right, left, up, down pattern(any direction). No diagonal moves or backtracking.
The action now takes place with the last meeple placed. You determined what color meeple you placed on each tile when you placed them. The last tile where you place a meeple must already have a meeple of the same color already on the tile.
There are 5 diffrent colors for the meeples see rules for the purpose and functions of each color.
The actions on each tile may include place a palm tree, place a village, draw form marketplace or Draw a Djinns card. See rules for Palm Trees and Villages. The market place allows you to do set building with the cards you purchase. The Djinns grant you VPs at game end but can also have
useful special powers. After your turn place you pawn on the order track.
Replenish market cards and Djinns cards. Go to next round.
Game ends when a player places their last camel or there are no more moves that can be made with the meeples.
I love this game it is easy to learn and moves quickly. It plays well with 2-4 and is good for any age. Try it I am sure you will want to play it again and again.