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Earn Professor XP to level up by completing Professor Quests!
Blue Moon
A fast 2 player card game. Although it got compared to Magic shortly after the release it’s nowhere near it. It’s less versatile, but also less complicated, making it easier for the casual gamers. The deck building is rather limited. First you need to pick a race and then you can add a number off other cards based on the amount of moons they are worth. This game ideal for a quick time filler.
The big downside on this game is the fact that you need expansions to be able to build decks since the core only comes with two races. Another problem seems to be that some of them have a bit of an upper hand.
The components of this game are great and beautiful, but the fact you only get two decks in the core drops the replay value substantial.*
It’s not a bad game, but just not good enough.
*The reprinted version by Fantasy Flight Games, Blue Moon Legends, comes with all decks.