gamer level 6
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6610 xp
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Critic (lvl 1)
225 xp
225 xp
Explorer (lvl 2)
546 xp
546 xp
Professor (lvl 1)
130 xp
130 xp
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50 xp
50 xp
About Me
My ten favorite board games at the moment (not in any order):
Lords of Waterdeep, Dead of Winter, Libertalia, Eldritch Horror, Twilight Imperium (3rd ed.), Through the Ages, Robinson Crusoe, Cosmic Encounter, Galaxy Trucker & For Sale
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Robinson Crusoe: Adventure on the Cursed Island
House rule:
“Weather phase: When a winter cloud is rolled, you may use fur tokens instead of wood tokens when paying for the penalty.”
We’ve been using this house rule because it’s thematic – fur can keep you warm when it’s cold. If I’m not mistaken, normally you’re not allowed to use fur instead of wood in any situation.