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The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game
Undefended attacks by monsters can be rather disastrous, especially when a nasty Shadow effect is added to the attack. So, it’s a rather automatic response to make sure all attacks are defended.
However, sometimes it can be beneficial not to defend against an attack so that you have one more character that can strike back. The (undefended) attack will deal more damage, but you’ll get rid of the Enemy sooner, so in the long run, you’ll sustain less damage.
This approach can be especially useful if you can assign the damage to a hero such as Gimli or Gloin, for whom the damage triggers some positive effect. Furthermore, if you have some way to predict or cancel the Shadow effect, you can prevent this approach from backfiring. But even if you cannot control the Shadow effect, sometimes it’s worth it (and neccessary) to take the risk.