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Gamer - Level 2
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I have enjoyed this Game several times, and am delighted to own a copy. One of the best things about it, is that by the end, most players can easily be close in score, and upsets are quite possible.
This is due to the endgame scoring vs the in game scoring. In game you score for treasures used, and during the 3 scoring rounds, you can gain additional score from your envoys, and control of houses. During the endgame you score your rumors which multiply their bonus based on the repeats you have. That’s why people claim it’s like stone age. However, there’s a limit of 4 / multiplier.. so the 5th one makes a new set, plus they are less limited than stone age. This produces the effect that several people can get into the rumor “business” effectively.
Overall it’s a great game, and you shouldn’t count any player out till the end.