We added games requested in the last Updates Comments by BoardGamers: Jay Atkinson, macruby, ericbjohnson, Wind Lane.
Recently Released
Omen: A Reign of War
Small Box Games
Flash Point
Indie Boards and Cards
Discworld: Ankh-Morpork
Treefrog Games
The Resistance: 3rd Edition
Indie Boards and Cards

Added Games
Word on the Street
Out of the Box
Risk 2210 A.D.
Risk 2210 A.D.
Indie Boards and Cards
Battle Line
GMT Games
All Wound Up!
Twilight Creations

Added Role-Playing Games
Champions: 6th Edition
Hero Games

Flash Point is a great game!
The RPG section seems pretty skint. I’d love to see:
Legend of the 5 Rings (RPG)
At the very least, as well as some others.
Mall of Horror,
Descent expansions,
Battlelore expansions,
Memoir 44 espanxions,
Cadwallon: City of Thieves
Games I’d like to see added: Savage Worlds, Dragon Age RPG, Technoir, Chronica Feudalis, Venture (the Sid Sackson card game), Gosu, Wyatt Earp, Parade, Megacorps, heck just about everything from the Z-man Games catalog.
Infinite City from fantasy flight games
Acquire is already available
Additional Game requests (4 older spiel winners):
Scotland Yard
Top Secret Spies (Heimlich & Co)
Adel Verpflichtet (Hoity Toity)
If this isnt the place to make the requests just let me know.
Users can’t add games themselves, since the design team is (if I’m correct) trying to be consistent with the text, images, and so on. They’re adding things as fast as they can!
How can I put on the games from my own collection? I have a whole bunch of games that are not registered here…
What about Tacticum(http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/54056/tacticum) by The Gamealogical institute? http://www.gamealogical-institute.com/ Very fun strategy game.
For some family/casual games, how about:
King of Tokyo
Killer Bunnies
I’d also be interested in seeing the D&D adventure games Wrath of Ashardalon and Legend of Drizzt.
I have to agree with all the suggestions below… Sentinels of the Multiverse is a great game, Heroscape is a classic, Dungeon Run look amazing (from the people who brought Summoner Wars), and Call of Cthulhu is one of the best RPGs of ALL time.
So BIG +1 to ALL
BTW I just backed Rook City too. Look like a winner. 🙂
I’d also like to see Sentinels of the Multiverse added. Just backed the Rook City expansion on Kickstarter!
It’s probably easy to tell where my loyalties lie. I would love to see Heroscape and Dungeon Run added. Heroscape still has a huge following (with some followers on this site, as well), and Dungeon Run is shaping up to be a great game with lots of player interaction.
Could we get Call of Cthulhu (RPG) added?
(Sorry if this a repeat request…)
Really glad to see Omen get added – Small Box Games makes some fun stuff, even though it can be hard to get at times since he’s always self-published. Hemloch looks like it’ll be a fun game too.
I literally (said like Chris Traeger from Parks & Recreation) just got Battle Line in a game trade about 10 minutes before this update was posted. Crazy.
Good to see the nice mix of games, too.
“Granny Likes”
I’ve never played Word on the Street but it seems like certain words would get used repetitively.
OH… Word on the Street is one of the best family party games, and The Resistance is probably the best party game for gamers out there… perfect!
Battle Line is a classic 2 person gem, so that was a must as well.
Granny Likes. 🙂
Excellent! I’m still waiting for the Deluxe Edition of Ankh-Morpork, but the regular edition is good fun. I’m also happy to see a Small Box Game added, as they do some excellent games. I’m trying Hemloch tonight (brand new)!