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51 out of 66 gamers thought this was helpful

This is usually my go-to game for people who are still shy about delving into the world of board games. The rules are relatively simple to explain and the scoring system can be handled by someone experienced at the table (not that it takes long to learn, it’s just easier if newbies don’t have to keep track of that sort of thing themselves).

The tiles are nice looking as well as sturdy and the ways in which they “link up” are very easy to define. Multiple colors of pieces means that everyone can have their “favorite” – which might not seem like a big deal, but I have noticed that it is something which can set the initial tone of a game for better or worse. The game can expand out to encompass a decent sized group but is also fun to play with just two people.

I recommend the River as a good expansion if you are going to go out and purchase the main set, as it makes the initial play a lot more entertaining.

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