Upcoming Games
Agents of SMERSH
Kickstarter Board Game
8th Sumit

Added Games
Mundus Novus
Rio Grande Games
Rio Grande Games
Rio Grande Games
Mayfair Games
Pack & Stack
Mayfair Games
Bananagrams, Kosmos
The Kids of Carcassonne
Rio Grande Games
Sleeping Queens
Rio Grande Games
Rio Grande Games, Ravensburger
Playroom Entertainment
Mayfair Games
Reiver Games

Added Expansions
Cuba: El Presidente
Rio Grande Games
Gosu: Kamakor
Chaos in the Old World: The Horned Rat Expansion
Fantasy Flight Games

Still haven’t played SMERSH and I have owned it for years!! 🙁
Nice! Dibs on the first Horned Rat review later tonight. Also, I saw Kamakor at my FLGS, and all the text was in French. It is the English printing of the cards, yes? I ask because my GOSU box has English print on it, so the language difference threw me off. Are there promo cards for that game anywhere? My French isn’t very good (aka none whatsoever).
Happy times!
This time I could add four games to my list. Thank you very much!! I am very glad. Keep up the good work!
For those of you looking on Pack and Stack; this game also goes under the name Zak Pak!
Excellent selection of kid, family, and strategy games.We still need to get some more RPGs on the site though.
Nice to see Agents of SMERSH. I’ve been following that one on Kickstarter. It looks great, but I’m still debating on whether or not to pull the trigger and support it.
Always pleased to see new games added. Still waiting for Kittens in a Blender to be added. I submitted it. Not a lot of info on the publishers page unfortunately. Fun game though.
If you haven’t tried any of the games on this list I recommend
Finca: Fruit meeples- yay!
Pack & Stack: Tetris-like dexterity game.
Thanks for getting the Cuba expansion included so quickly! Other than that, I haven’t played any of the other additions.
I recently submitted info the the Tide Of Iron expansion, Days Of The Fox. Looks like it didn’t make the new list in time though… maybe next time.
Glad to see all the new games added, especially Vikings. Now if we can just get In the Year of the Dragon – I wrote up a little strategy guide in anticipation, and am just waiting to have a place to post it.
Well, I’m starting to feel a little sheepish. Quite a few of those games are ones I own, but not having them in the database made my collection page here seem really incomplete, so I submitted the info. Still, they are all great games. 🙂
Wow, not one single game I’ve played or own. Normally there’s at least one when you guys do an update – guess I need to get my buddy with the large collection to let me come over more often. 🙂
Woo hoo! More games to review and learn new tips and tricks for from other gamers, excellent.
For this round we selected Craftsmen as our role and produced 18 new games to rate and review.
OK so the analogy doesn’t work out exactly; the point is we added a lot of games this week.