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When you decide to attack the undead, make sure you do it shortly after they have shuffled their discard into their deck, so they don’t have many Reanimates to bring back to the battle.
A very strong early game strategy for teams in Cataclysm is for the Daquan Lords player to buy all of his footmen as soon as possible. This allows him to defeat all early cards whilst his team mates build strong mid and late game decks. Footmen are very easily kulled from a deck by attacking enemies you cannot defeat in the hopes of attrition taking them out and you will actually want to as the Prince of the Abyss and the Guardian Obselisk encourage attacking and if you have all footmen there is a huge chance you will get rid of Obselisk the first time you attack this will very quickly thin your deck of them as well as allow you to cycle them out of the way or plan for the next turn. Knights can also add to the strength of this strategy by allowing you to draw more Footmen when you run out of them in hand. Footman are very versatile and should never be underestimated.
Remember (especially when playing the Uthuk Y’llan) that cards abilities are actually optional. It is not required to wound or destroy one of your guys when attacking an enemy with the Chaos Lord. You don’t have to use the Knights ability to reveal the top card and then discard it if you know that it is a Siege Machine or another knight.
If you are playing as the Human faction, don’t go all in on the Footmen, no matter how tempting it might seem. This doesn’t mean you should have no Footmen at all. They stack quite well with Knights and with cycling through cards in your deck that you do not need, but they are not a game winner. In the early game, they are a great unit. Once all the neutral cities have been captured and you have all your strongholds, they become less exciting.
If you do want to try for the Footman Zerg strategy, you will need to use a card like Forced March to get rid of some of your extra 1 gold cards. Sure, Battlecry stacked with Footmen seems great, but when you don’t get the Battlecry out, you will be weak. Since you need multiple cards that cost influence, you will have to go for them quickly if you do choose to go this route.
If it is your first time playing Rune Age or you are just newer to deck building games the two easier of the 4 factions are definatly the Human and the Uthuk factions.
This little tactic works best in the first few turns of the game, but it can be that little bit of a game changer late.
Here is how it works. The Reanimated card says that When Played: you get to grab a Reanimated card from your discard and put it into play. Let’s say you just reshuffled and so you have no discard and you only have 1 Reanimated in your hand. You want to attack one of your strongholds, so you need a strength of 2. Simply buy a Reanimated at the beginning of your turn (which goes to your discard pile) and then you will be able to play it out of your discard pile. This is the best way to use the Reanimated, otherwise, the Skeleton Archers are better.
Unlike some of the other scenarios, this scenario is not just about creating a small deck with just super powerful units. If all you do is buy one unit a turn and just whatever the best unit you can afford, you will lose in the end. The only exception is perhaps in just a 2 player game. In 2 player, just making a strong deck of powerful units can win you the game, but only if you can destroy your gold pieces quickly. If you play with more than 2 players, your powerful expensive units will end up getting destroyed. You will get to the point where you almost have nothing but gold. You will have a strong opening game, but that will actually just make you a target. Do not forget to keep buying some cheaper units to pad your deck with extra cards.
When playing the Waiqar the undying faction in the Resurgence of the Dragonlords scenario, the battle cry reanimate combo is a way to score early victories on neutral cities to get your influence engine charged up to grab the lions share of the Demon cards. Just be sure you have enough reanimates in the discard pile to match with the reanimates in hand. To help with that remember that you can conduct actions in any order so you can buy reanimates before a combat action
When playing “The Monument” scenario as the “Latari Elves,” make sure to have a “Storm Sorceress” played in front of you as a Reward during the second phase of the event deck. That way, when the event card “Hoarding Dragon” comes into play, you can just choose to destroy the “Storm Sorceress” instead of a “3 Gold” or a better Reward card.
After you draw back up to five cards and then resolve the event, don’t forget to draw back up to five again if you have lost units in battle before you start the next turn.
Many times late game you will be stuck with low level Unit cards you wish to get rid of. Kamikaze attacks against Enemies is a great way of riding your deck of these cards. Each time you roll the attrition die you have a good chance of riding yourself of 1 or 2 of those pesky little grunts. Multiple attacks against different enemies can really thin your deck fast.
This option could also be applied in a larger player game. In solo play, the game becomes much much more difficult if the two random cities that you draw require a high strength to capture. In fact, the solo Cataclysm scenario might be impossible without at least 1 neutral city that has a 4 or 5 strength to conquer. Separate the neutral cities into 2 piles of low and high cost cities. Draw one from each pile.
There is nothing in the rules that says if you are finding the game too difficult that you can’t just modify the cards you start with. How about giving every player the 5 starting gold cards, 2 of the 1 cost units and then 1 of the 5 cost units. Of course if you find that too overpowering, you have some other options in the middle.
There are two strong paths to victory in this scenario.
The first strategy is that you can focus on taking out the enemy’s from the event deck. This will only be viable if you are the first player or possibly the second player.
Also, if you take the first strategy route, you will need to get a couple of Nagas. The End of Combat and Resolution abilities of many of the enemies is challenging to deal with, the Nagas will negate those.
If you are not, your best option for victory will probably be the second strategy.
The second strategy is to forgo worrying too much about the enemy’s with rewards except for the turns that they get passed on by others. Instead, focus on capturing as many of the cities as you can. This will include attacking the cities of other players once all the neutral cities are gone. Then, but the 3 gold cards until they are gone or you have won the game.
I recommend playing the Uthuk Y’llan tribe if your playing solo. It’s a fun way to learn how to play this game and it’s not so hard to win. The “Warlock Chieftain” unit is really strong if your playing solo or in a coöp-game so don’t wait to long to buy these jewels of the tribe.
I am not sure if others have experienced this, but the two slots where the cards are supposed to go are not friendly. I have started to notice that the bottom of each stack of cards is getting stuck on some cardboard bit down there and they are getting damaged.
Get card sleeves or keep the plastic bags for storing the cards.
If everyone agrees, allow each player in up to a 3 player game to change one of the cards available for purchase from the neutral area. The final set of cards should be agreed upon for the purposes of game balance.