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First off, let’s face it: This game isn’t for everyone. But you probably knew that already, and that’s why you’re checking the reviews. Let me try to help.
Do you like a decent dose of randomness?
‘Cause this game has it. Now, this word gets thrown around a lot. It gets used in place of “******” or “unfun.” And to some people this may be the case. Not to me. I appreciate randomness. As long as there is something else there (theme, innovative mechanics, cool bits), I’m usually okay with luck. To me it’s what makes a game a “game” and not an “exercise.” This is a game.
Do you like Yahtzee?
Meh. Doesn’t really matter if you do or don’t. There are quite a few dice games out there that are essentially Yahtzee variants (roll three times, can save some, etc.), but this isn’t one. This features combat, “deck-building” and varying abilities. Nothing really Yahtzee here other than dice.
Do you like cool bits?
You’ve come to the right place. Etched dice. ETCHED dice. None of that ****** screen printing here. Just. Sweet. Etched. GLORY.
Do you like direct conflict?
It’s a little iffy here. The combat system is a little strange and abstract, but it works. You roll dice. If you can pay/want to play a monster and you roll one, then you can. It then proceeds to attack everyone around the table. It’s not picky and doesn’t discriminate. It attacks everyone. This prevents the gang up problem that can occur in a lot of conflict-based games.
Jeez, I read all that. It didn’t really say much. Will I like it or not?
I think you need to try it. I know this is somewhat of a copout for a reviewer to say, but I think it warrants a play before buy. If you love Dominion (I do), Thunderstone (I do) and Nightfall (I do), you won’t necessarily like this. Give it a shot. You’ll probably either love or or hate it. Or just find it okay.