Upcoming Games
Legend of the Five Rings – Aftermath
Alderac Entertainment Group | 2013 Q4 (November)
Tide of Iron: Next Wave
1A Games | 2014 Q1
Cross Hares: Testing Ground
1A Games | 2014 Q1

Recently Released
Space Cadets: Dice Duel
Stronghold Games
Night Eternal: The Game
Cryptozoic Entertainment
The Witches: A Discworld Game
Treefrog Games
Trains and Stations
Pathfinder ACG: The Skinsaw Murders Adventure Deck {expansion}
Paizo Publishing
Z-Man Games
Mice and Mystics: Heart of Glorm
Plaid Hat Games
The Walking Dead Board Game: The Best Defense
Cryptozoic Entertainment
A Study in Emerald
Treefrog Games
Conquistador Games
Dice Hate Me Games
Tide of Iron: Stalingrad
1A Games
Nightfall: Eastern Skies {expansion}
Alderac Entertainment Group

Released before 2013
Tide of Iron: Fury of the Bear
1A Games, Fantasy Flight Games
Tide of Iron: Normandy
1A Games, Fantasy Flight Games
Tide of Iron: Desinger Series, vol. 1
1A Games, Fantasy Flight Games

Any chance we’ll be seeing Brotherwise Games’ Boss Monster on the site anytime soon? I don’t know what goes into getting games added, if it requires publisher involvement and such, but I really like that game and would love to see it on the site.
You can never have too many games 😛
But yeah, it`s a vast universe out there…….
This reminds me of last week’s “Are there too many games?” discussion…because I am unfamiliar with nearly all of these games. 🙂
@ pookie, Ticket to Ride: Nederland is on the site, but it won’t ship until around 11/20/2013, so it’s still set as coming soon 🙂
Finally got the next adventure deck for the Pathfinder Card Game. Can’t wait to play the Skinsaw Murders!
What, no Ticket to Ride: Nederlands?
The news, my hope is that The Walking Dead Board Game: The Best Defense is better than The Walking Dead Board Game based on the first season of the serie.
I have actually just played two of the games on this list! 😀 Parade and Trains and stations. I also bought Parade. Big fun! Still missing a few games from my collections yet, so just keep going. I am looking forward to the new list!
Several new ones I haven’t seen before. Curious about Parade. Study In Emerald was on KS and hasn’t arrived. Compounded looks great, but was surprisingly small when it arrived – everything is 3/4 scale of what I expected. Guess they saved on costs.
Still looking for Smirk & Dagger Games to be added — beyond the existing Cutthroat Caverns, there should be entries for Hex•Hex, Run for Your Life Candyman, and others.
Also the Pandemic app for iOS which released in October.