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Play this game with help of chess clock to track the game time (30 minutes is a good number). Thus, both players quickly chooses your movements and attacks. When the player’s time ends, that player looses the game. I tryed this game mode and it works very good with my friends.
While at first glance sand goblins do not seem like the most powerful but what they lack in attack power they more than make up for in cost and durability. Almost every single goblin has atleast 2 health and the one that does not (Shaman) has a great escape mechanism. On top of that one of your most useful and annoying units are you Javelineers with their camouflage ability force any unit that wants to attack them to come in close(your enemy will learn to hate camouflage). Also since your champions only cost 4 magic than you should almost never be in short supply so do not be afraid to make a 1 for 1 trade.
Its important to keep track of some in game stats to know if you are ahead or behind in the game. This will help you decide if you are in need of a desperate move or have time to sit back and build your hand some. There are three different stats that you will need to figure up to see if you need to make a move.
Champions – Who is summoned more champions? Has your opponent already brought out he heavy hitters and you have survived and still have a few of your own? Then you should be winning.
Magic – It sucks when you are about to be surrounded, but don’t have enough magic to call in some backups. Keep track of magic and who is doing what. This will also show you when you should start preparing for your opponents champions to be revealed.
Deck Cards – What’s worst then running out of magic to summon fighters? Running out of fighters altogether. If you are playing the cave goblins you’ll notice that they run through the deck quickly since they don’t have to use magic as much. If you can stay ahead in this category and exhaust your opponents deck it will give you an upper hand.
This is a good principal both in board gaming as well as in life. However, we are going to apply it to understanding your opponents deck.
Sure it is possible that your opponent may have a few mercs mixed in with their base deck, but for the most part if you sit down with an opponent playing the Tundra Orcs or the Phoenix Elves you should have a general idea about what you are facing.
The most important thing to know from the base deck your opponent is playing are their event cards, and the great thing about this is that they cannot change at this time. (This update is coming at least to the actual game with the second summoners, but even then the events will be specific to which summoner is being played.)
Focusing on the event cards, you should know that there are going to be times when your opponent is going to play a drain magic on you. You need to be prepared with either extra magic, or to not put yourself in that position to have more units on the board.
When playing the Phoenix Elves, you know they have three burn cards that will mess you up no matter where you are on the board. They often like to use these on your champions, so expect that when you play this faction and keep track of what was played. Doing so will help you plan a better strategy and give you a better idea of when to advance and attack.
Starting out as a new player one concept you will need to get comfortable with is the idea of building magic. You may feel like you need to get these commons on the field now to help out and build a defense, but that’s not the case.
The game starts out with commons on the field so you CAN build magic to get your heavy hitters out.
The game is designed so that you only have so many units you can move and attack with. Ask yourself, “Am I going to attack with this unit right away or move them into a strategic position on this turn?” Then use them to build magic. In turn you will be able to bring out your champions sooner and get the upper hand verses your opponents.
When I start out with the Swamp Orcs, my prime objective is to build a vine wall infrastructure. Nothing is more frustrating to a Swamp Orc’s opponent than to have the board covered in vines, limiting their mobility while improving the Orc’s abilities.
To do this initially, keep your starting units adjacent to your wall. This may leave them exposed to enemy fire, but the enemy will have to kill your troops at the cost of expanding your vine wall.
As the game progresses, this can be used to bully your opponent, as killing you will become increasingly undesirable as it means just another vine wall they have to contend with. If they aggressively approach you, you may be able to kill them and use them for further vine wall growth.
Shamans are especially useful as vine-wall bait, as they can be put down cheaply and get defensive bonuses for being adjacent vine walls. As long as they survive, they can harass the enemy, but if they die, they become another impediment.
If slowly building out vine walls through self-sacrifice is too painful, Splub can be your most important offensive tool. Even if he is immediately surrounded and killed off quickly, if he can land a surprise attack and plant a vine wall behind enemy lines relatively early in the game (especially close to an enemy summoner), it could spell the end for your opposition.
The ability to subsequently spawn troops to directly attack or pressure the summoner (if they’re killed they could potentially further surround the summoner with vines!), can really turn the tide of the battle.
The Key to the Sand Goblins lies in their simplicity. Their units are not expensive, however two of their commons (Javelineers and Scavengers) both have 2 hit points. Thus as long as you’ve got cards in your magic pile, you’ve got the option at nearly anytime to bring out another durable unit. This plus good wall position can allow the Sand Goblins to level the playing field. Every unit can nearly make up it’s cost if it comes out and kills a dinky 1 hit point enemy unit!
-Here’s the key though, why stop there at earning your money back? If your common troops get wounded and have only 1HP now, then on your turn consider denying your enemy Magic points- attack with the wounded troop, but have ranged troops in the back (I prefer the Shamans myself) waiting to attack your own troops after their attacks fail! Because if you kill your own wounded Javelineer, you’ve now got the mana to put out a healthier 2HP version next round! The secret to the Sand Goblins are that all of your troops are walking Magic sources, once they’re wounded and not going to make it, either use them to block… or just finish them off yourself to keep your deck fueled up!
One of the ugliest factions, in my opinion, but a lot of fun are the Deep Dwarves. Lots of people online believe its good to play them defensively, which is definitely a viable strategy – however, I much prefer a more aggressive approach with them.
Of all the factions I’ve played so far, this is one where I will more often play Common Units. The Gem Mage/Scholar combination can be really brutal, especially if you’ve played the Gem Father even card. Your Gem Mage may spend 1 magic point to get +1 Attack value. Then, your Scholar lets you get +1 attack value if your target is adjacent to a Scholar. This gives your Gem Mage a total of 4 Attack Value, which is nothing to sneeze at. Since both units cost so little, I find them to be relatively better than even the Champion units for this faction when positioned well.
While playing with the master set and it’s included gameboards, I have experienced a lot of slipping and sliding by said boards. The boards themselves are of GREAT quality, but are a bit slippery on the bottom. (At least on my glass and smooth wooden tables). I grabbed some little rubber stick on feet in the hardware department at Wal-Mart, stuck them in all the corners of both boards, and the problem is solved! AND everything still fits in the box. A simple fix to a somewhat annoying problem!
Have fun gaming!
My 6 year old was watching my son and I play and wanted to have a game. She’s good at numbers and basic words but nowhere near good enough to grasp the intricacies of the game.
The way we played is as follows:
– remove all event cards
– only draw three cards
We did play card abilities, as I could explain them when in play.
It turned out to be a good game and she grasped it fairly well. This would also be a good way to teach the game to new players in general.
Seriously, these guys are awesome. They really are a lot of fun to play, I mean – what’s not to like about humanoid mountain goats with a grudge?
The Vargath are a very aggressive faction within the game. One thing that I find with them, more so over the others, is that their Summoner makes some good usage of the Common troops. Something that I’ve found out that’s a good tactic is to create a kind of Offensive Line with them, where you have your Summoner located in the middle of a line with two Common troops to his left and two common troops to his right. If you can, maybe even try to place some in front of him to further the aggression. The Summoner for them adds +1 to their attack value, meaning that you can create some pretty good damage for the cheap. If you use the Event card that stretches the Summoner’s ability to 4 spaces and not 2, well even better!
Another fun aspect for them are their Commander units. The Commanders here are fun Commanders for the most part. Quinn is a ranged caster unit, and I think the only ranged unit for the Vargath, and has the ability to strike twice for the cost of 1 magic point. His attack is rather low, however, but with an attack of 2 and the possibility of hitting for 4 – its nothing to sneeze at! Growlden is an anti-wall Commander. He hits hard at 3 Attack, but his ability to damage a wall he’s adjacent to is ok. I don’t happen to use his ability all too often, but its nice to have in order to put some added pressure on the opponent. Lastly, you have Tordor. My personal favorite Commander out of everybody in the Master set, Tordor has a rampage ability that lets him walk through units and deal 1 damage to them as he does. He’s one unit that will be moving every turn, and with the event that helps him do this he’s even more deadly.
Lastly, take advantage of the Summoner’s event card which allows him to search your deck/discard for another event card. This, combined with either Torodor’s event to have him move more or the Summoner’s event to stretch out his ability can lead to some good pressure on the opponent!
This is an easy faction to pick up and one I suggest new players to this kind of games start out with, because their game play is relatively simple.
The Shadow Elves excel in a high mobility style of play. They have a high number of Archers at their disposal, so they can pick easy targets from afar and harass the enemy Summoners easy enough for the most part.
Be sure to make use of their Summoners ability, which allows him to go from a 2 attack to 4 attack if you use it right. It took several games before my wife got the feel and flow of how to effectively use his ability.
Also, be sure to make the most of your units mobility and controlling the opponents mobility. They have an Event card, I forget its name, but it allows you to move an extra space for every unit you move that turn. Its easy to start head hunting early on for new players, so remember to try and pick off the softer targets before you move in and take down your opponent’s Summoner.