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**This is a spoiler to some degree, but your entire game can be hampered by not knowing this.**
If you haven’t played Risk Legacy yet, you may get taken off-gaurd by one of the main abilities of this game… permanently editing the board. If you win a game early, don’t bother naming a continent yet (sounds romantic, but stop yourself)… what you want to do is add a Big City in or just outside (best) Australia. Why? Because you can start there from here on out… FOREVER!
Now, if you don’t get Australia, what you want to do is weaken it quickly. Use your scar stickers to weaken a city by killing troops each turn, or surrounding the city with cities that require the owner to lose troops to move. If you get a chance at all… place a Big City of your own close enough to pin them in and crush them early… making it difficult for them to choose their own city if they don’t go first. Yes, you will be at a disadvantage if they go first, but this is the best way to combat what is an otherwise big advantage. You can also add another route into Australia (another spoiler… but good to know).
Tip ~ Australia has always been a nice place to have in Risk, but it can be devastating in Legacy. Control or be controlled.
OK… so, Risk isn’t traditionally an “alliancy (not a word?)” type game… at least not intentionally. However, my friends are very much into manipulating and conniving each other in-game, as well as pregame… so Ururam Tururam might not like playing with my group (or love it… who knows). Whatever the case, once one of the guys got too far ahead, we decided that something had to be done. Two of us are taking turns invading Australia, weakening the current leader, and giving the other at least a fighting chance to win the game against the 4th player. Is this cheating? Well, alliances exist in the real world… so, I say NO. Find someone you “trust”, and form a shaky alliance that will get you some extra games… until you are both tied… Mwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahah~
Strategic Tip ~ Form an Alliance and Take Turns Weakening the Leader
This package varies from gamebox as I’ve seen it could be a number of different card sets. I would refrain from opening it before game #5 or so because it can severly alter aspects of gameplay, but I feel it is essential to the experience and too much fun to pass up.
Never let a player play a faction twice in a row.
This is a rule we implemented in game 1. This will alleviate a lot of the power building people can do to one faction, thereby ignoring the others. You want to try and make the factions all playable and winnable otherwise you are loosing that much of your game.
A key to winning any Risk game is to maintain bonus control.
What are the bonus you should focus on?
1. Continent Bonus
Continent Bonuses are a sure fire way to beef up your reinforcements. This is what almost any Risk players short term goal should be. Once attained, HOLD THEM.
2. City Bonus
This is very situational depending on board set up, but this should be happening right along with gaining your continent bonus. Do not over extend to gain city, but reinforce them as best you can if they seem in danger. The benefit is not only the reinforcements they give you from game 1, but holding them will give added benefit in later games.
3. Beneficial Scars
Pretty simple. These make it harder for your other bonuses to be take from you.
4. Resources Cards
While one of the fastest ways to gain armies is to turn in resource cards, do your best to use this as a last push offensive or last ditch to hold on. The reason these should be used quickly is because they can be used for victory points instead. You should never have to rely on these cards for reinforcements unless something has gone wrong. However, you should make an attempt to claim a card EVERY turn.
Using a technique I call the turtle has won me 3 out of my first 4 games of Risk Legacy (all but the one loss were 5 player games).
The turtle is a slow build-up leaving the center relatively weak, but always keeping strong outer territories. If an opponent does break through the shell, they are often too weakened to do much internal damage. For the turtle, starting in an “edge” territory is key, demanding that only 2-3 territories form the hard shell.
One major advantage of the turtle is that it is slow. You tend to battle only single players each turn, while others are fighting back and forth over territories, you slowly ooze across the map and before you know it, you’ve got 1 or 2 continents.
Selecting mercenary sites, or factions with bonus troop counts helps the turtle technique just as much as the faction bonus giving +1 to dice rolls on the first attack each turn, as you’ll likely only attack 1 or 2 territories per turn.
You will ruin the experience if you peek so do yourself a favor. Don’t open the envelopes until the proper time!
Imperial Balkania’s ability to get cards for expanding into 4 or more territories is a powerhouse early game, especially in three player games! Since victory points can be acquired by cashing in four cards, your first two turns can get you halfway to your third vistory point. Or, it will give you assets to cash in for more troops. It’s my top pick among the factions’ base powers.
It’s easy to cheat when playing this game. If someone knows what happens after certain conditions are met they may play accordingly. So if you want to fully enjoy this game play it in a group of trusted friends who promise each other not to read the game spoilers before playing.
For power gamers it’s hard to play a game of incomplete information if complete information could possibly be obtained. So if you are a part of group pf power gamers you may decide Risk Legacy is not a game for you.
But there is a workaround! You may open all the secret envelopes before you start playing the first game. In fact giving each player a day or two to fully comprehend all the ramification is a good idea here. Then start playing with all the knowledge in your minds.
This ruling may also be used for non-power gamers if they want to play through the whole campaign again (however it may be hard because of all those stickers).