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“Use Kingsport for your Benefit”

Use your investigators in Kingsport wisely!

Typically one or more investigators are sent to Kingsport to stop the threat of Rifts. Normally, if no one is there to keep things under control, the Rifts will probably open quickly — which is bad.

Rather than just stuffing an unlucky investigator there for Kingsport duty, swap people around when you can to make use of the locations there or to replace a hurt investigator from a desperate situation in town. When someone needs clue tokens, Rift-control maintenance is a good way to get them, so use it for the team’s benefit.

Another easy task is to send your best gate-closer there to grab the White Ship captaincy that can be of great help in getting gates closed/sealed that have openings which are blocked or guarded by too many monsters, and to eliminate those infuriating delays that occur when slogging through Other Worlds.

There are many good things on the Kingsport board — you won’t need all of them in every game, but it’s good to keep them in mind.

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