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19 out of 22 gamers thought this was helpful

There are TWO amazing things this game has going for it.

1.) ITS LEGO!!! the microfigs are amazing and the modular map is so cool! i love the Components i wish more games would team up with LEGO or Mega Block or something as you can make some fine board games out of LEGO. It was cool to build and cant with really cool pieces you cant get elsewhere.

2.) If you have young kids this is a great ‘My First Descent’ the base rules are simple and allow for a fair bit of the types of things that may happen in real Dungeon Crawls. The Modular board, collecting gear, judging fight or flight at low health, and many other aspects that are great to teach a beginner.

However the game itself, at first glance looks amazing, but the game is poorly designed and not worth playing twice. I guess to a degree i am reviewing a game for kids, from an adult perspective, but even my boys(8 & 9) find it boring.

With All that said this is Lego! the base rules are bland but as with all Lego the fun part is taking it apart and building it your way. I bought all the expansions, and now with house rules we have added a level up system that utilizes the modular die changing the die faces as you level up. we added other Lego monsters and spawn points, and well you get the idea. No one buys Legos to set them on a shelf and look at them. this like all other Lego products has to be personalized to make it fun.

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Small World

28 out of 67 gamers thought this was helpful

Played this over the weekend at a local card shop, i had seen it for years but never really caught my eye. But, gave it a go(we had played every game i brought seemed only fair to play one they brought) and as expected i didn’t like it…. but then I did. I dislike games that hide the victory, they always seem to disappoint everyone playing except the guy who won and 9 times out 10 the winner is surprised. But this game suffers from that as well, but i don’t know, it was fun. the Game play is amazingly simple, with countless combinations of race and title it is endlessly re-playable without any need for expansions. It looks simple, but at its core it has some deeper elements of strategy i didn’t expect. On the whole it was not love at first sight, but it is growing on me. Still dislike the fact that no one knows how well they are doing till after the game is over, but of all the games i have ever played with that type of mechanic, this is my favorite.

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Munchkin Quest

63 out of 79 gamers thought this was helpful

This is a great game and the gameplay is really quite fun. But I tend to run in a few circles, and i have found it a bit heavy for my regular munchkin group. They prefer the speed and variety you get with all the 6000 types of munchkin, and would generally rather play a cowboy zombies, or space spies, or kungfu Cathulhu, or any of the hundred other combinations my 9 base sets and countless expansions offer. On the flip side my heavier group enjoy the game but find it a bit silly and too light for regular play. They prefer to play a real dungeon crawl like Decent or Runebound.

The game is great and would likly be amazing if you only had the one group and needed to bridge the gap between players. But in my experience it left something to wanting for both groups.

Though on a final note, the perfect game for trying to build younger kinds up to the point they could handle a real Crawl.

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62 out of 91 gamers thought this was helpful

The game play is amazingly well done, and with the depth of content, all the Villeins, the environments, the Heroes, this game is never the same twice. We like to play it like it was a season of a cartoon super hero show, starting off with new players with a easier boss and some easier to play heroes then building game after game until we face a season Finale. i especially love the promo Big cards for the baddies, with the super bad versions of a few. My group is currently debating whether to play a freedom 5 verses Barron blade working up to blade the Mad Boomer, or a omnitronX vs. Omnitron then finally Cosmic Omnitron. I am a sucker for this game and if you love theme in a game, a game that really lets you feel like your there not just sitting at a table playing spades this is the game for you.

I still remember the laughs at one game where the very first player, playing as Fanatic, played End of days on turn 1. Just picturing the look on Blades face when just as the heroes walk in the door, Fanatic sets off the apocalypse with Blade mid monologue. All the Heroes stopping and looking at her, mentally marking their calenders and taking a step back. After all the joking we made at this choice of moves the game even played like Fanatic having a really bad day, she made the killing blow on every single minion that came out from both environment and blade and was the final hit on his flip side as well.
I love this game.

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