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Smash Up
I just played this for the first time with my eight year old son this weekend. I opened the box, read through the rules with him, and we each picked two factions. He picked Dinosaurs and Tricksters, and I picked Zombies and Pirates. We put out the three bases and began to play.
Play through:
For each of the first two or three rounds we were both only playing 1 card (a Minion) and then drawing two to get our 5 card hands up to 10. Once I reached 10 cards and had to start discarding I realized that if I’m going to be drawing two I better be playing two like I’m supposed to (1 action, 1 minon per turn unless there are special abilites that come into play).
Perhaps it is more because of our father/son dynamic, but we tended not to go against each other when placing minions on bases. Since there were three bases and only two of us (number of bases = number of players + 1), we didn’t “feel the need” to fight over a base. This made it fairly simple for each of us to score bases and take full points for each. I did finally get to a Zombie card that allowed me to play a Minion on each base that I did not already have a Minion on, so we did have some confrontations, but it was not until scoring the last base of the game (putting us both over 15 points) that there was any true confrontations.
We both had started playing on the Central Brain base (Base special ability “+1 to all Minions on this base”) when I scored my second to last base putting me at a tied score of 13. My minions on this base included three “First Mate” Minions whose special ability is “After this base is scored, you may move this minion to another base instead of the discard pile.” This triggered the scoring of this base as well, and gave me the advantage on the base. Final score Dad: 17 Son: 16.
The box, which is made of heavy material and will last for some time, contains 9 different decks: 1 of bases and 8 of different theamed factions. There is also 9 additional spots in the plastic tray for more decks so when the much rumored expansions are released you will have some place to put them. The slots for storing the decks are smilar to what you have in a Dominion box, only not as deep. I think that they could have fit more slots in the box (or made a smaller box) if the slots themselves were smaller, but that’s just me. There is also an glossy instruction book in the box that was written with fun in mind, so make a point of actually reading it.
I really like this game and will definately be bringing it to game nights with my friends, as well as playing more with my son. It’s quick (listed time 45 mins, but could go faster) and easy to play and depending on the attitude of your players could get very rowdie. I recommend this for anyone who is looking to get fun, social game going at party or just a quick fun game at home.