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Rated My First Game
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Best played with groups, this game is all about choosing a hero and an attribute and then throwing an extra random attribute on there for good measure. From there you need to explain why your character would win in a battle over another character, and if you make it around the table you get a point. Hilarity almost always ensues, as the situations and reasoning for why a particular character would win tends to get very in depth and ridiculous. As an example, let’s say the character someone plays is Barney with acid blood…*flips new card* …and he has a hostage. Barney did pretty well until someone drew Darth Vader with the power to control his opponents right arm. Controlling his right arm Barney was forced to release the hostage and then Darth Vader merely force choked Barney rendering his acid blood harmless. The other players not participating make the deciding vote, so players can say whatever they like during the argument. But they want to make it compelling and realistic, so that the voters will side with them once the dust settles. Reminiscent of Cards Against Humanity, but a great deal more fun with more replayability imo.