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I don’t know much about the original game…I haven’t seen a tabletop copy of the game. Therefore, I don’t have much go by when it comes to how well this digital version captures the game play of the original. I can say, it took a few tries to get a handle on the rules so that I even had a chance of winning. I realize the game is designed for co-op, but I can’t see this played effectively with other players using a single device (I use an iPad). There isn’t a local game component…nor can this be played with others on the internet. So…this largely plays like a solitaire game.
With that said, this also has the same frustration I have with solitaire…it is really hard to win. I’ve gotten better over time, but I’m still not able to win on regular basis. I imagine that this takes a lot of the tedium out of the the original board game…there are a lot of counters and indicators that need tracking. It plays pretty smoothly in that regard. The bonus cards and expansions are nice, but generally they just make a hard game even harder.
The digital implementation is solid. I’ve never had any hang-ups or crashes on my iPad with it…even after multiple system upgrades.
I suppose I’m a bit more negative about the game than I realized. It’s a frustrating game in some respects. However, I come back to it frequently and enjoy playing it until I remember how much it frustrates me. It’s definitely a challenge…which in the end, I think, is a good thing.