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Five Tribes: The Djinns of Naqala
Five Tribes fills a similar niche that Lords of Waterdeep does in my opinion. It is a great gateway game and does have euro feel without being as involved and overwhelming as Agricola. This really should not come as a surprise, since Days of Wonder has published two other good gateway games (Ticket to Ride and Smallworld) that give players a feel for more sophisticated mechanics, while being simple to explain.
The game is mostly centered on worker placement, but allows some set building, area control, and auctions. The basic idea is that you build up the modular board and then populate each tile with three meeples drawn at random from a bag. Once the tiles are completely populated, you’re ready to start moving them. During your turn, you pick up the meeples on a tile and then drop them one at a time on tiles in a trail away from the tile they were plucked off. The final worker you place must form at least a double of that color on the final tile you place the meeple on. (It must match the color of another meeple on the tile.) Once the last meeple is placed the meeples matching the color of the last meeple you placed are removed and you resolve a meeple action, which could be buying from the market or assassinating a meeple. You also resolve an action based on the tile. (Buy one of the Jinn cards, place a palm tree to make the tile worth extra points, etc) There are cards for each player that indicate how the turn plays out, so there is very little difficulty figuring out what to do next on your turn.
Auctions come in to play when determining turn order. Players bid on the starting order by spending currency to move up to an earlier turn during the current round. Area control comes in when a player removes all the meeples from a tile by placement or assassination. In either case, the player places a camel to signify that they control the tile. Tiles controlled, items purchased at market through the blue meeples, Jinn, and yellow meeples are worth victory points at the end of the game. The Jinn are nice because they can alter strategy. One might give you extra points for tile control, while another can give you the ability to assassinate an extra target. They alter the goals for the players enough to allow many end game strategies to win.
Overall, the game has enough depth and variety to keep a hardcore gamer intrigued. There are many strategies that can lead to victory and being able to plan around other peoples moves definitely offers a challenge. Five Tribes is also a nice option for novice gamers entering euro style gaming. The components are of good quality and I really liked the camels and palm trees, which fit nicely with the desert theme. The currency and tiles for the board are cardboard punches and the thickness is comparable to Lords of Waterdeep and Smallworld, so I expect that they will hold up quite well. The game also comes with a nice pad of scorecards for tallying points at the end of the game. I fully expect to see this hit the table on game night, until I run out of sheets in the scoring pad.