C Montgomery
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A graphic designer from Toronto Canada. I love games of all sorts!
Warhammer 40,000: Assault on Black Reach
I have several friends who are almost constantly neck-deep in Warhammer 40k. So I’m glad they finally came out with a set that I can get and play without completely breaking the bank. Although even at $99 the entry fee is still pretty steep.
Like the description says, it includes everything you need to start. If you need a comparison to other games, this is much like the pre-constructed deck packs of Magic. enough to play, but certainly not the best ‘deck’ available.
The one thing I find extremely intimidating about Warhammer is all the painting. While I’m a graphic designer for a living, I find the process daunting. If you don’t mind unpainted mini’s, then this point is rather moot.
It should be noted, while the rules do cover how everything within the kit works, it doesn’t go over how the various abilities interact outside the scope of the kit, so if you plan on going forward, you’re still going to have to cough up for the faction(s) rulebook(s).