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I Walk the Talk!
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Gamer - Level 5
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Explorer - Level 3
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Earn Explorer XP to level up by completing Explorer Quests!
Robinson Crusoe: Adventure on the Cursed Island
Certain Items in the game give you a one time bonus to Palisade or Weapon Level and certain conditions in the game can lower your Palisade and Weapon Level. Since the bonus you gained from the Items are one time only, now you must raise your Palisade or Weapon Level by building other Items, or directly building the Level up again through the expenditure of resources, Pawns, and/or possibly rolling dice. This variant rule would allow you to “repair” the Items you already built but whose bonus was deleted by game effects.
Say you have a Palisade of 3 gained by building up the Palisade Level twice and by Building the Fire Item card (+1 Palisade bonus). Because of a game effect you are forced to roll the Hungry Animals die the result of which causes you to lower your Palisade by 1. According to this variant rule when you lower your Palisade level also tilt the Fire Item card. Now during the next Action Phase you may devote a single Pawn to the tilted Fire Item card rekindling the fire and raising the Palisade by one once more. This has the benefit of only using one Pawn, requiring no roll of dice, and using only the resources required (if any) according to the Item card being repaired.