Recently Released Games
Nexus Ops
Released January 25, 2012
Fantasy Flight Games
Ticket to Ride: India
Released January 16, 2012
Days of Wonder

Added Games
Last Night on Earth: Growing Hunger
Flying Frog Productions
Rio Grande
Playroom Entertainment
Dragon Parade
Z-Man Games
Rio Grande Games
Formidable Foes
Rio Grande Games
Winds of Plunder
GMT Games
Traders of Carthage
Z-Man Games
Rio Grande Games
Heroes of Graxia

Added Expansions
Resident Evil DBG: Nightmare
Descent: The Sea of Blood
Fantasy Flight Games
Descent: The Road to Legend
Fantasy Flight Games
Descent: The Altar of Despair
Fantasy Flight Games

Good posts, thank you everyone!
You did such a good job comparing the 2 games in your discussion post that I don’t think there is much more to be said.
To play Ticket to Ride: India, you’ll need one of the base games of Ticket to Ride for the plastic trains and train cards; you primarily get the board and tickets when purchasing Ticket to Ride: India.
If you head over to the Ticket to Ride: India discussion page, I (and hopefully others!) will leave a note answering your request for a comparison there!
I’ve heard good things about Ticket to Ride. Is India a stand alone game or do you need the base game? I’ve only played Empire Builder– what’s the better train game in everyone’s opinion?
Yeah for Cuba finally making it on BGing!
Magnum Sal please?
good to see that my Descent expansions were added
Excellent additions.
I shall begin work on my review of Ticket to Ride: India once I have eaten breakfast!
Seven more games and three expansions from my collection is certainly nice to see! Nice to see so many good games not being forgotten. Now if we could just start adding games from 2004 and earlier… 😉
Glad to see the Descent expansions starting to be added. I love good games that are also boxes of toys. 🙂
Hmm… nothing I own or have played. Guess I need to get to reading and hope for some reviews to be posted! 🙂
A lot of good additions. Is it weird that I’m the most excited about playing the new edition of Nexus Ops? Same as the old edition? We’ll see.