Tips & Strategies (7)

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Tips & Strategies (7)

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“Count counter-clockwise”

Players are often more focused on what they can do instead of what they want to do. So they look at each tray and count forward the number of spaces to see what options are available to them.

It is better to focus on what you want to do and see what it takes to get there. An easy way to do that is start with the action you want to activate and start counting counter-clockwise in the trays. When you count a number that matches the amount of cylinders in your current tray, that is the tray you can select to take the desired action.

If you can’t find anything, then add two trays together to see if you can take an interim action this time in order to set you up for the next action that you desire.

This method saves time as you can typically count once instead of for each tray. And with more experience you can see this even quicker without the need to count.

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“Putting +2 Markers to Good Use”

A common complaint I have come across with various Trajanites is that the +2 markers enabled by the +2 trajan tiles are not a very viable pursuit, as they only permit a second additional action when already playing an Extra Action tile. The need to first obtain a +2 marker (via completing a Trajan tile) and then obtaining a specific, limited Extra Action tile, and then actually activating that action on the mancala is onerous and, ultimately, not a very worthy pursuit.

As a House Rule, if all players are in agreement, we permit the +2 markers garnered from the Trajan tiles to apply to all instances in which the associated action is activated on the mancala. Thus, the action becomes a permanent two-times bonus, and with an Extra Action tile, can still be performed three times. This not only makes the +2 markers more lucrative and worthwhile, it also permits players to pursue more focused strategies, to make maximum use of their selected “+2” action slots.

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“Place "mancala" tokens in center action squares before committing”

Several times, especially with new players, a player chooses their bowl of tokens, puts them around their board, and then realizes they either a) miscounted and want to take the action back or b) they didn’t get the right colors where they had originally planned. When it’s taken back, who knows what the board really was – it’s hard to tell. Some say stick with their choice, and some times there was a simple mistake made which can really impact the game.

We have a helpful house rule where the tokens are placed in the center of the bowls in their temporary placing over the action symbols. Once the player is happy with the move, they are committed to it when they then move the time marker the appropriate number of spaces – then they can start their actions for the turn and move the tokens into their appropriate new bowl homes. It actually speeds things up as the player can more easily plan their turn by seeing the color combos.

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“Don't let 'em run away...”

Simply put do what you can to stop someone from monopolizing in any one category. If a single player is allowed to focus solely and heavily in one area it is going to pay off with a victory for them. Especially the senate and trajan tiles. With the former it’s because those bonus points tiles are so good and the process of winning them scores the player quite a lot of points. The latter is because those 9 point tiles add up if the player is allowed to get 5 or 6 of them scored. These things must be divided up amongst the other players.

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“Be careful when evaluating a tray move!”

It can be SO easy to screw up your plans for the 2nd, 3rd or 4th turn out if you forget the fact that you are leaving action markers behind in each tray as you go around the wheel. If you want to be able to move three spots on turn two, be SURE that you don’t leave a fourth one in the tray on turn one! Or even better, plan your actions based on a “Tray+1” marker count.

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“For first time players...”

The first time you play Trajan, the “Mancala” or the action selection portion of the player board will most likely be the center of your focus. It is different than any other game and unique and challenging puzzle. But you should not focus too heavily on it. You need to keep your focus on the main board and see the actions you need to take rather than just trying to activate the Trajan tiles on your board.

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“The simplest path to victory ...”

The Senate action can be the simplest path to victory in Trajan. The game is incredibly balanced but if you are able to capture tiles that allow you to double and triple your Senate actions, the points will come regularly as well as the end scoring tiles.

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