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Tips & Strategies (3)

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I play blue
El Dorado
Guardian Angel
“Wield that French Power Like an Emperor!”

France begins the game with a much bigger card hand than any of the other powers, which gives the French player the power of Preemption. The French player should declare a Preemptive Impulse as often as possible in the early game. This gives the French player a few ‘turns’ to move armies and strike before the Coalition powers can even get their defense set. France could potentially take Austria out of the game right from the start or at least put the Coalition powers back on their heels!

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I play blue
El Dorado
Guardian Angel
“Mobilize the Hordes!”

Austria is in a precarious position in the beginning of the game. Without help, it will be difficult for Austria to stand against the French. Russia is the most likely Coalition ally that can offer immediate aide to the Austrians. The Russian player should build a few Units and move General Kutuzov and a full army to Vienna as quickly as possible to bolster the Austrians against the coming French storm. The Russian player should continue to funnel units to Austria until the front has stabilized and then go on the attack!

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I play blue
El Dorado
Guardian Angel
“Dominate the Seas!”

The British player should make dominating the seas his number 1 priority for several reasons. First, and most importantly it prevents France from invading merry o’ England! If Britain falls, then the Coalition is not too far behind! Once the British become Master of the Seas the event on their Admiralty Reserve Card can be played. This event allows the British to draw 2 extra cards! More cards means the British player can do more stuff. More cards in the British player’s hand also helps to neutralize France’s preemption power (see Emperor tip). Lastly, there are some other perks for mastering the seas. The destruction of the French navy will prevent the French player from using his Guerre de Course Reserve Card event, which can be a thorn in the British player’s side. In addition, there are a few cards in the deck which will grant the Coalition powers some bonuses if the Coalition controls the seas.

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