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“Cleaning Up Your Lockers: Rule Errata ”

Not a House Rule per se, but during the recent Kickstarter campaign for the expansion I had some dialogue with Luke Peterschmidt about some nebulous rules regarding the Locker Cards.

Does a Locker Card in your Locker generate the Girl Power, Friendship/Nightmare points, etc listed on a turn or is it only used for card text power?

Can you have multiple copies of a card in your Locker and can you use the power of each?

His response:

You are correct, the girl power, resolve, and nightmare/friendship points in the upper right don’t do anything while in the locker. Cards in the expansion reference them though. You can have multiples of a locker card and both work.

Well there you have it. Those Locker cards are still some powerful mojo, but not the game breakers some have interpreted them as. Still–it pays to suffer the fines on as many Overdue Books as you can.

*Mad Cackle*

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“'Paranoid Catfight Edition' Hai-ly Recommended. Bastet Approved. ”

According to the rules: when purchasing a dreaded Faculty card, it is placed in the Purchase Pile of the player to your left.

What good is just picking on the kid next to you in Study Hall?

Spread the Unlove.

After some recent heavy play, it came to my attention that there are quite a few cards and powers that let you place malefic modifiers into anyone’s Purchase Pile.

We decided to play a few games with the rule of Faculty Shelf Purchases being open game for anyone’s House Board.

Was it ‘broken’? Yes and no. It lead to two situations: a completely bloodthirsty gang-up game of revenge and insanity and a very careful paranoid game with plenty of flinching in fear that whatever you did would eventually come back to bite you with maws most eldritchy. 😉

Either way it made for a very ‘social’ engagement with the ‘un-cooperative anti-deckbuilder’

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