Tips & Strategies (6)

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Tips & Strategies (6)

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“Rulebook woes”

I absolutely love this game, but the rulebook is very confusing. I would compare it to how confused I was when I read the Agricola rulebook.

If you can’t find someone to teach you how to play, the next best way to learn is to watch one or all of the videos I’ve linked to below. Then just start playing, and during each “Lookout phase”, go over all the icons on the 5 cards you draw, to learn about what they do. By the time you’ve played a few rounds, you’ll have a good idea of what’s going on. Don’t get caught up about what you “should” do, treat the first game as a learning game, and just try things out for the sake of learning.

The Dice Tower: Review and gameplay overview – view on youtube >
Drakkenstrike: Components brakedown and review – view on youtube >

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“Locations are Key - figure out a way to get scrap metal”

So far, I’ve played 3 different factions, and the strategies are VERY different for each. Unless you are playing New York, which starts out being able to play Locations easily, a good basic strategy is to figure out how you are going to get scrap metal to build Locations. If you don’t get any locations the first 5 rounds, it will be hard to catch up.

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“Play to your faction strength up front”

Most new players get fixated in the first few rounds on wanting to place a particular card in their zone as a particular type that is costly to get out.
Example: you’re playing mutants who do a great job at obtaining spoils (red side of card). Some folks might insist that they get the card out as a location or a deal right away. Calculating that over the long run, the card will benefit them more. This may be true, but you have to consider “delay” cost of other actions just to get that card out.

The game lasts maybe 6-8 rounds and if you spend the first two rounds only getting out 2 cards, other more savy players may have acquired 3-4 cards. Those 2 extra cards are producing more for that player, even if its not as “sexy” as the good card you’re investing heavily to get out.

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“Gather intel galore up front”

Another affective strategy at the beginning of the game is to acquire spoils, deals, locations that generate card draws. If the first couple of cards you have access to are capable of generating more cards drawn then this allows you more flexibility up front to play more cards and/or develop a strategy up front.

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“"Turn back, Jack. Ain't no business for you here."”

A simple house rule for the original game (not to be used with The New Era) is shooting other player’s workers coming to your open locations.
They send two workers, you spend two workers to “shoot” at them and run them off and stand guard over your open location. It’s a simple decision element, do I sacrifice being able to use my workers to prevent you from getting access to what you need or do I accept a bonus worker essentially.

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redevelopment is one of the most important actions.
try to do it EVERY turn…possibly twice a turn if you have excavator and even better if you have mr president as a leader

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