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Review 8 games and receive a total of 380 positive review ratings.

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218 xp
About Me
I like all kinds of games. I'd love to try more games, but I"m usually the one who has to buy them before I try them. Some of my favorite games are Ticket to Ride, Roll Through the Ages, Thunderstone, A Few Acres of Snow, Dominion, and Say Anything.
At the time I’m writing this I’ve only played a few dozen games of Tsuro (because each one only take 15 minutes) but I really enjoy the game. Its short and sweet! My 5 year old son keeps pestering me to play more. The mix of strategy and luck is phenomenal. The game states that it should be for ages 8 and up, but it so simple that my kindergartener had no problem understanding the rules. He still wants to play with the other dragon stones, but he has fun.
The pieces are gorgeous and the whole aesthetic of the game is wonderful. The stones are nicely cut pieces of plastic and the designs on the board are lovely. The tiny piece of rice paper on the top as you open the box is just the perfect touch.
This game is a must-have in my book. Try it today!