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Review: Nightfall

Posted by Jim {Power Gamer} | 8-Jun-12 | 6 comments

Nightfall AEG
Ever since 2008 when the first deck-building game (DBG) hit the tables of gamers everywhere, some have longed for more: more theme, more conflict, more interaction, more control in their deck-building experience. Nightfall has delivered and lasted through three (and soon four) expansions including a popular iOS version. Let’s delve into the world of Vampires and Lycans to find out what makes this DBG different and addicting…

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Comments (6)

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Time Well Spent - Games

I really love the deck-building genre, and nightfall takes the game in new directions. The way the cards all interact and combo is great. I can’t speak for the expansions (I’ve only played with the standard game) but the game is fun and full of theme. I really like Nightfall, and hope people keep playing it and we see more games like it in the future. Lets keep pushing the deck-building envelope!

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Totally agree about FFG’s LCGs. I’ve been getting all of the Lord of the Rings expansions and I’m perfectly happy with them just for the art.

@Marvin K.

That’s why I love Summoner Wars so much. All the expansions add very unique twists through new factions or in allowing existing factions to function in new ways – and the promos don’t go out of print.

I really liked the feel of Ascension, but it had “expansions needed soon” screaming at me by the end of the first game. I think the mobile version of Ascension is the way to go, better price point for the same experience.

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Expansions are very hit or miss. I look for ones that take the game in a new direction or for some of the stand alones. I like Ascension, but after thr 1st expansion I was glad to see the 2nd expansion effectively let me create a second version of the game. My pet peeve for most of these collectible games is the hard to get “promo” cards as I am a completist.

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@Wind Lane… I’m right there with you. I’ve just decided not to buy expansions unless I love the game and wear it out. If it get’s worn out in under 10 plays… you really don’t love it enough to buy an expansion IMO. A $40 game at 10 plays is $4 per play… which is an OK ROI, but not worth adding another $30-$40 expansion. I have yet to buy a deck-building expansion that changes the game enough to necessarily warrant the purchase if I didn’t love the base game. However, I do enjoy grabbing cards for the FFG LCGs (little different).

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@Wind Lane

I feel the same way about any expansion for any game. I think that the original Nightfall game is very good by itself – it has great replay value because of the drafting and archiving mechanics. I haven’t tired of it yet

Maybe since the game is a year old, maybe the expansions just add more of a good thing – and it sounds like it was motivated by the fans… which is always good.

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I keep hearing good things about this game, mostly because of the theme and chain-combo system, but I’ve come to the conclusion that deck-building games aren’t something I’m super excited to get because I don’t like that they feel like expansions are necessary.

Quarriors actually satisfies my deck-building itch and is light enough and random enough that it doesn’t overstay its welcome like Dominion did (for me).

The frustrating thing is that I like playing these kinds of games, I just don’t like feeling like I HAVE to keep buying expansions if I don’t want them to get old in a hurry.

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