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Games added this week (Jan 20)

Posted by renee {Power Gamer} | 20-Jan-12 | 21 comments
Games added to

Added Games

Summoner Wars Master Set
Plaid Hat Games

King of Tokyo

Order of Professional Sorcerers
Goblin Army Games

Z-Man Games

Doctor Who: Battle to Save the Universe
Imagination Games

Middle Earth Quest
Fantasy Flight

Frag Gold Edition
Steve Jackson Games

Added Expansions

Space Alert: The New Frontier
Rio Grande Games, Czech Games Edition

Frag Gold Edition: FTW
Steve Jackson Games

Killer Bunnies: Quest – Stainless Steel Booster
Playroom Entertainment

Ticket to Ride Asia
Days of Wonder

Coming Soon

Omen: A Reign of War – Second Edition
Small Box Games

Adding Game Information

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Submit the info we need for your favorite games.

Finding accurate and detailed information about each game can take up a lot of time. Time we could be spending adding more games!

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Comments (21)

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Miniature Painter
Intermediate Reviewer
Master Grader

King of Tokyo is a light but FUN game.

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Dragon Clan - Legend of the Five Rings

I have requested games be added.
If you want information then how about more then just a title entry for the game we want added.

When Published:

and other such information would be helpful I am sure plus also list older versions of the game that are by different publishers such as “Formula De” and “Formula D” which are some what different games but inter-changeable map wise.
The is just one example. I can think of several such as “Talisman” and “Scrabble” which have several variants.

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Mythic Kingdoms Backer 2020
Video Game Fan
Miniature Painter
Senior Reporter

We do want to reward users that are helping provide us with game info, but it will be awhile before we are able to develop the system that will do that. Once that system is in place, you would get rewarded for past help.

We appreciate everyone’s contributions to the site!

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Unicorn Clan - Legend of the Five Rings
Gamer - Level 6
Novice Reviewer

Is there any plan to implement XP rewards for submitting game info?

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Norway Beta 2.0 Tester
Copper Supporter

By the way, could we get a better link somewhere on the site for adding games? Or is there one which I’m missing. I’ve been going back to an old news post on games added in order to get to the link.

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It's All About Me

Excellent site!

Could you please add the miniatures rules/game called “Hordes of the Things?”

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Reviewed My First Game

Diplomacy is missing ?! Diplomacy is missing ! 🙂

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Norway Beta 2.0 Tester
Copper Supporter

@whatawhale Yeah, I was hoping to see one or more of the games I have added. Napoleon’s Triumph, Fighting Formations or The One Ring RPG.

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Intermediate Reviewer
Chief Inspector
El Dorado

Hi guys, I’m new here. 🙂 Great website, I’ll be sure to tell my friends about it!

Can you please add the board game ‘Axis & Allies – Anniversary Edition’ (2008)? I did not see it come up on the Axis & Allies list when I searched for it. Same goes for ‘Axis & Allies – Spring 1942’ (2009), ‘Axis & Allies – Europe’ (1999) and ‘Axis & Allies – Pacific’ (2000).

Thank you!

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Eminent Domain Fan
Eminent Domain Fan

Sadly, Order of Professional Sorcerers did not get its funding on Kickstarter, and now they are talking a dramatic theme change…

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Count / Countess Beta 1.0 Tester Beta 2.0 Tester
Cryptozoic Entertainment fan

We have a method for users to help us add games to our system.

I try to focus on getting those games in first, I really appreciate everyone who has taken the time and added games.

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4 Beta 1.0 Tester
Book Lover

Sorry to ask here, but I don’t see an FAQ page or post or whatnot. Anyway, is there anyway to change our score of a game? I clicked the wrong number and now I can’t figure out how to rectify it. Thanks!

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I play green

Yay! I got to add my copy of Frag: Gold Edition to my collection (got it for Christmas). Also, if it says “Killer Bunnies” somewhere on the box, I probably own it. I added my copy of the Stainless Steel booster to my collection.

Now – how about the Journey to Jupiter game?!

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Book Lover
I play blue

Same for me Twonky.

Here are some games I would like to see coming up on this page;
Zak Pak
World Without End

Though it is nice to see some games every now and then popping up that I know of!

Keep up the work!!

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United Kingdom
Professional Reviewer
Crab Clan - Legend of the Five Rings
Book Lover

Fantastic. Glad to see Ticket to Ride: Asia added.
Now I have an excuse to go and write the review I have in my head.

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My First Heart
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I love that Omen’s 2nd Edition is here! The kickstarter was a huge success with all the bonus levels being met, so not only do we get the cool 2nd edition, but a bunch of extra stuff because of how well it over-funded.

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Norway Beta 2.0 Tester
Copper Supporter

Gah, none of the games that are missing from my collection.

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Book Lover
Novice Reviewer

Wow, really quick turnaround on adding Ticket to Ride: Asia! Awesome!

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Gamer - Level 8
Expert Recruiter
Count / Countess Beta 1.0 Tester

Definitely glad to see King of Tokyo, as well!

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Platinum Supporter
Petroglyph Beta 1.0 Tester

It’s good to see King of Tokyo in there… one of my current family game favorites.

For Lord of the Rings, I think the War of the Ring Collector’s Edition is pretty sweet. Of course, I just look at it while I play the regular edition. 2nd edition is out now!

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