Added Games
Valley Games
Dice Hate Me Games
Z-Man Games
Core World
Stronghold Games
Kill Doctor Lucky
Paizo Games
Small Box Games
10 Days in Europe
Out of the Box Publishing
Hungry Robot

Added Expansions
Ghost Stories: White Moon
Asmodee, Repos Production
Ghost Stories: Black Secrets
Asmodee, Repos Production
Defenders of the Realm: Hero Expansion #2
Eagle Games
Defenders of the Realm: Hero Expansion #3
Eagle Games

Help us with adding games!
Submit the info we need for your favorite games.
Finding accurate and detailed information about each game can take up a lot of time. Time we could be spending adding more games!

I do like me some Ghost Stories!
@ Jim and Whatawhale. Thanks for the quick assistance. Hopefully we can find the problem quickly.
@ David, I’ve sent you an email directly, so we can help fix the error.
Something occurred to me…
When you hit
, the +XP widget shows up on the left immediately. This may lead one to think that the comment/review has immediately posted. But if you look at your browser you will see that the information is still be uploaded. Could it be that refreshing the browser intereferred? I know that when I use my wifi I have a slow connection and I get the +XP message before the comment has actually loaded.@David which game were you trying to review?
That is so frustrating. I know a lot of effort goes into reviews. I do not know of any recent update that would have caused this.
Wow… umm… I’m really irritated right now. I am trying to post a game review, and some recent update must have changed some setting. My post shows up and as soon as I hit refresh, it is just blank. I have retyped this stupid review 3 times now.
@Wind Lane
I love checking out new games on Kickstarter, I’ll look that one up.
I’ve had a blast with Omen and have heard a lot of good things about Hemloch – I really need to try it out.
What’s got me excited is the Kickstarter Small Box Games has going for Omen – a better storage box, new cards, significant upgrade to the quality of the cards, and metal coins. I’m so glad I’m already in on it since SBG’s games tend to sell out quick.
Thanks for adding 10 Days in Europe! I’ll have to leave a review soon.
@Decimit don’t forget to click “Want It” on the Doctor Lucky game page…you might discover a secret badge later on.
I saw Kill Doctor Lucky in the game store recently and had forgot about it. Thanks for reminding me that I want it. Yet another purchase for the next visit. 🙂
Ascension: Storm of Souls and LOTR:LCG Khazad-dûm expansions are now on sale!
When we added 10 Days in the Americas last week several boardgamers commented that they enjoy 10 Days in Europe, so we made sure to add that one in this week.