Upcoming Games
Story Realms
Escapade Games, Game Salute
Last Night on Earth: Timber Peak expansion
Flying Frog Productions

Recently Released
Star Trek: Catan
Mayfair Games
Awkward Moment

Released before 2012
Asterion Press, Coffee Haus Games
The Impossible Machine
GlowFly Games, Sandstorm Productions LLC
Closet Nerd Games
Operation: Maccabee
Sky Castle Games
Rio Grande Games

If I already knew what to play this weekend, I wouldn’t be here! Headed to open gaming at the local store tomorrow, we’ll see what the players bring along.
@Emerald Guardian, I was just in Target looking for a copy of FFG’s Star Wars X-Wing and saw that they had copies of Star Trek: Catan there! It’s so great seeing what Target is doing with bringing more good games into their stores!
@Slayergnome Zombicide is already out…
When is zombiecide coming out?
No games this weekend, I am going on a golf trip.
All new ones for me. Story Realms looks like it could be fun and I’m always up for some good zombie action, so I’ll be looking closely at a few of these.
I’m stoked that Star Trek Catan will be hitting North American shelves soon.
It’s like my nerdy worlds are colliding!
Vanuatu is a solid game. After, I get some more games in, I think I might do a review. It is not getting the love that it should. Probably because it is not easily found here in the US.
I usually keep up with games pretty well but I had never heard of Tiltfactor or their games before this update. Has anyone played any of their games? It almost looks like it grew out of some college class project.
I just played Torres and Mr Jack Pocket, both great games and neither in the system here, yet. Hope you can add them – let me know if I can help! Always good to see new ones added – will be curious if the anniversary of Star Trek (did you catch the Google home page homage?) Catan is a better gateway game.
Story Realms looks like an interesting twist on RPGs… for kids. I’m currently working on a project with this in mind, so even though I’ve slowed down backing KS projects, I think this one deserves a little help getting over the top.
Taktika is a great little 2-person game… and Antike is an old favorite. That’s all of the games I’ve played on this particular list.
First week in a while i haven’t owned or played one of the games released 🙁
No games titles from my collection, but a few new titles I would very much like to check out! 🙂
I’m with Richard regarding Story Realms. We’ve got the beta test kit and it looks really great. If you have a family with kids you want to introduce to roleplaying I really must urge you to check out the game on Kickstarter. Right now they are within a hair’s breadth of their target, so we’re really looking forward to the final version.
Gonna have a Trek Anniversary get together for some Star Trek Catan tomorrow!!
When we look at the Game Directory, is it possible to get a sort by “date added”? It seems to default to release date which loosely lines up with date added but can vary significantly. It would be good to filter them this way instead of having to come back to these articles to find the new stuff. (though I like the summary article too, don’t get me wrong!)
So excited for Story Realms! The Kickstarter continues this month, for those who are interested in some sweet story based RPG action.
Hopefully, I’ll get to play some Star Trek: Catan this weekend! Now I have to wait for the Enterprise expansion. 🙂
Always love seeing these articles come up, even when I don’t have and am not anticipating any of the games. It’s just fun watching the site grow.
You have Operation: Maccabee in that list twice.
Nice to Antike added. Keep the older games coming! 🙂