Upcoming Games
Alderac Entertainment Group | 2013 Q1
City of Remnants
Plaid Hat Games | 2013 Q1
Studio 9 Games | 2013 Q2
Portal Publishing, Z-Man Games

Recently Released
Mice and Mystics
Plaid Hat Games
Hot Rod Creeps
Cryptozoic Entertainment
Legend of the Five Rings – Seeds of Decay
Alderac Entertainment Group
Crazy Creatures of Dr. Gloom
Stronghold Games
Mayfair Games
Aeroplanes: Aviation Ascendant
Mayfair Games
Manhattan Project
Minion Games
Quarriors! Quarmageddon
Agricola: All Creatures Big and Small
Z-Man Games

Released Before 2012
Villagers and Villains
Studio 9 Games
Treasures and Traps
Studio 9 Games
Treasures and Traps: Expanded Realms 1 {expansion}
Studio 9 Games
Mice and Mystics interests me, but so does Guildhall. I’d like to see more about that game soon.
@Lozmoid: No problem. I forgot about the Eagle Games version. And I even have a copy of it myself! Of course is also has a place on this site. Hopefully it will be added soon!
I do very much like the original Civilisation. I have a copy gathering dust on the shelf as I haven’t had a chance in the last few years to get together a few folks with the time and inclination to play (it really is a long game), but one of these days… one of these days…
Anyone who even has a passing interest in civilization games should try and play the original Civilization by Avalon Hill. It is the game that inspired Sid Meier to make a computer game of the same name. I do find it funny that the new FFG game is based on a computer game that is based on a board game. Talk about coming full circle. The thing is, as great as all the games that have come after it, I still think the original is the best of the bunch. The only civ game that is better is Avalon Hill’s sequel, Advanced Civilization, which, I do believe, is possibly the best game ever made. Ever. 🙂
@Diogenes: Sorry, I meant the version of Sid Meier’s Civilisation by Eagle Games, released in 2002. This is the version that I own and would love to see updated on this site. Although I am curious about the 2011 game by Fantasy Flight.
So when will the entry for Sidibaba be updated? It has been sitting as Upcoming for a long time now, showing a release sometime in 2012. Here’s a clue – I own it and have played it and have been wanting to write a review for it. The game HAS been released! Update it please.
It is a good list but still no Nature of the Beast…disappointing.
City of Remnants… This game caught my attention. Let’s see if more information about it appears.
Excited about Mice and Mystics! Just need to find some time to actually acquire and then play a new game. 🙁
Good to see All Creatures Big and Small added. Playing with a miniature farm set is loads of fun!
I was actually referring to the older Civilization game (from 1980). Sid Meier’s Civilization has already been added (great game, by the way!).
I agree that Diplomacy and Sid Meier’s Civilisation should be added. Also, it would be cool to see the new ‘Axis & Allies Europe & Pacific 1940 – Second Editions’ added as these were only released about a month ago.
I’m afraid I don’t know any of these games. When will classics like Diplomacy and Civilization be added to this site?
Quarmageddon, Mice & Mystics, and the newly announced City of Remnants (preordered) – great list of games this go round!
I’m really excited that City of Remnants is finally officially announced! The game is really fun and working on the graphics was a blast.
I’m obviously a big Plaid Hat fan, and I’ve been hearing tidbits about City of Remnants on the podcast. It’s nice to have it officially announced, and it looks like it has some interesting concepts. I’m also looking forward to Convoy. I like Neuroshima Hex, and I think the theme of this one will be very fun.
Also, really enjoying Mice and Mystics. It’s a fun family game.
Wow, this list is pretty unfamiliar to me (with the exception of the recently released category).