Our “Games Added” articles are now going to be called “Game Updates.” Beyond using these posts to show what games have been added to the site, they will also be updating you on:
- New videos and images that have been added to game pages
- New BoardGaming.com reviews
- Games that have been switched from upcoming to released

Upcoming Games
Asmodee, Hurrican Games
– Releases May 2012
Asmodee, Hurrican Games
– Releases May 2012
Monster Chase
– Releases May 2012
Uncharted: Board Game
– Releases on June 8, 2012
– Check out the tutorial videos under the videos tab
– Releases on June 2012
Timeline: Discoveries
– Releases in July 2012
7 Wonders: Cities
Asmodee, Repos Production
– Releases in July 2012
Dixit Journey
– Releases in July 2012
– Releases at Gen Con, August 2012
3012 Deck-Building Game
Cryptozoic Entertainment
– Just Announced! Releases in September 2012
Timeline: Events
– Releases in September 2012

Other Games Added
Recently Released
Magic: The Gathering – Avacyn Restored
Wizards of the Coast
Released in 2011
Warriors & Traders
NSKN Legendary Games
Combat Commander: Pacific
GMT Games
Released in 2008
Tide of Iron: Days Of The Fox Expansion
Fantasy Flight Games

Jim, thanks for the response. I have to apologize for not even noticing that “Eaten By Zombies” HAD been added! I don’t ever remember seeing it on the news feeds, somehow I must have missed it. But after writing about it in this comment section, I went searching for “Zombie” games, and it came up.
Now I just need to get a few more plays of it in, so I can leave a solid review 🙂
One quick note, the D&D Adventure game “Wrath of Ashardalon” is missing from the database. I have reviewed Legend of Drizzt, but I actually own Ashardalon (Legend of Drizzt was lent to me by a friend).
I have an original copy of Serenissima and it is one of my favorite boardgames of all time.
Thanks to the site developers for not only making a great site but also for participating in the discussion and responding to feedback. I realize this is quite a task to grow and maintain a site that keeps users enaged.
I do agree with Granny about the idea of a forum fostering a stronger sense of community (wisdom comes with age, apparently :)), as well as the concern that a poorly-functioning forum would make the site less-inviting. There are obviously a lot of members of this community that enjoy the site and want it to continue to grow, and I’m sure there are lots of us who would be happy to do our part to help.
Agreed, Granny, and I like your thoughts on linking the forums and the game pages (and getting the Game into the forums). It’s stuff like that which has the potential to really lift the site and get it to strike out in its own direction (which has certainly started to happen already). [Edit: I’ve just realised that “strike out” might have a different connotation in the USA to the UK, where it’s more like “to boldly go”…!]
Oh, and thanks for adding your thoughts to the discussion, Jim. I can appreciate your intended focus and that deciding how to handle multiple prints or editions of games can prove a headache. 🙂
I don’t think a forum should be considered copying another site any more than having a drop-down menu or a logo (they are pretty common). I do believe it would facilitate a stronger community, and I’m sure BG is thinking about it. It’s a lot of work, and it needs to be done right… a poor forum is worse than no forum at all. I’m sure you’d find plenty of trustworthy people to help with moderation when the time comes.
If you incorporate the game into the forum… it could really BOOM! It would be great if it was content sensitive… showing threads with relevant content in the game pages themselves, etc. i.e. if you mention King of Tokyo on the board it shows up as a message under King of Tokyo… maybe providing updated information to someone reading the KoT review. It can get confusing if there are too many links, but the use of icons and color coding could make for a valuable addition to the community as a whole.
Keep up the good work!
@Wind Lane
You are correct that there is a way for us as users to help increase the size of the database, and thank you including the link. I personally have submitted a lot of games, and quite a few have been added, but there are some that I submitted as far back as December of last year that still haven’t been added. This is in no way meant as a criticism though. As I’ve stated I love the site and really want it to succeed, I just wish there was more I could do.
@Bill Hartman & Rob Harper
I agree the last thing we want is this site to be a copy of what is already out there. I also agree though that the lack of a forum or some other means of carrying on a conversation with others is keeping this place feeling a little dry, but I don’t know what the answer there would be. A fully functioning forum is a beast all its own, and keeping something like that functional takes a lot of work. Some sort of interaction beyond these types of posts would be nice though.
I do think you are all doing a great job with the site and all I want is for it to be better. It seems obvious to me that this place is a real labour of love and I wish everyone involved nothing but success. As I’ve said before if there is more I can do on a voluntary level I’d be happy to help out. I also know that sometimes using volunteers is the most expensive way to do something. :p
Thank you for responding Jim.
I wanted to chime in and say we really appreciate everyone’s patience with us as we continue to improve the site and make it a fun place to discover games and interact with other gamers.
If you’ve been with us since last August when we launched, hopefully you’ve seen how far the site has come! If you’re just joining us, know that it is our goal to continue to find ways to improve your experience on the site; more games to explore, new quests and improved ways of interacting with games and gamers.
Adding Games
We appreciate the time everyone has spent providing game information. It’s purely a matter of time and resources that delays adding games to the site. We also have to prioritize the games that get added and when so we can keep up with new and upcoming releases.
The tricky part here is knowing when to have a separate game page for an edition of a game. If a reprint changes the game enough, then it deserves its own page so that it can receive new reviews and ratings based on its own merits. Our primary focus is on listing the newest more accessible printings of games.
Thanks for being a part of this community!
Submit information for games, see the link in a previous comment. Just be aware that they are focusing on more recent and in print games. They also take time to vet entries. I submitted Fealty about a month and a half ago and it just made this update. Also check the comments section before adding to be sure you are not duplicating someone else’s work.
Yay! Tide of Iron: Days Of The Fox expansion has finally been added! 🙂 Now I can add to my wishlist…
Do you guys want more older game submissions? I have plenty that pre-date 2002 that I would be happy to provide info on.
Hmm, I’m trying to avoid saying things like “you should be more like X” as a site like this needs to carve its own furrow because just trying to be a new, shinier BGG is likely to end in failure. I love the look and feel of this site, the staff reviews are good, the gamification is a lot of fun, and navigation is good (I enjoy the easy browsing news to game to user profile, etc). I feel it does suffer, however, from the lightness of the game database (though that’s bound to take time, especially as you are clearly trying to use a quality filter here), the lack of many older games, and the lack of user interaction outside the dicussion tabs.
It’s a hard job getting a site like this running and building a community around it, and you have done a great job so far. Good luck on continuing the development…
I have to agree with others, the database seems slow to growth, especially for smaller print runs/indie titles and older games.
I can understand if you don’t want to list a bunch of Out of Print games, but I sent in information for at least Eaten By Zombies, which is on it’s third print run, and never got any info back about my submission. I also own games for my family such as Dicecapades, Dweebies, D&D: Three Dragon Ante, D&D: Inn Fighting, etc. but I don’t want to waste the time to put all of the info down and send it you, just to feel like it was ignored.
For Eaten By Zombies, I provided all of the relevant info on the game, including website and synopsis. I think I even provided an Amazon link. Now there is an expansion coming out (which I backed via kickstarter), and I haven’t seen any info here about it yet.
I love this sites design, but the database (as well as a real lack of community “interaction”, ie forums or something where people can really reply and discuss things) is holding things back imo. The “Discussion” area for each game isn’t good for replying to others comments clearly. A Forum would help foster more interaction and discussion among community members.
I’ll bring up an issue I have mentioned before. When you are adding a game that is being reprinted after an absence from the market it almost seems like you have blinders to the previous edition. Goa and now Serenissima are two examples. I already own both of these games. Sure you will let me acknowledge this. You will not let me rate or log plays of the games though. I could understand limited functionality if an upcoming game was the first ever release of a game but it make no sense whatsoever for a reprint.
There’s a way for you to provide the data needed for a particular board game, though the site owners will still proof everything submitted before posting it.
Just go here: http://boardgaming.com/adding-game-information
I love the look and feel of this site, I really do, but something must be done to improve the database. I own over 700 games if you count expansions, but this site has less than 250 of them. Now I’m not talking about obscure wargames from the ’70s or 200 different versions of Monopoly. The vast majority of my collection comes from the last ten years. The last two updates of added games have had none of the 450+ games in my collection that aren’t yet listed on this site.
If there are any ways in which I can help getting older games listed please let me know because as I said I love the site and I really want it to succeed.
Maybe because I am a History Major but I really like that Timeline: Discoveries game. I think the wife would like Divinare though.
Wow, Asmodee are busy, aren’t they? I remember enjoying a previous edition of Serenissima many years ago, so that’s tempting if I can find the right folks to play with.