Upcoming Games
Aeroplanes: Aviation Ascendant
Mayfair Games
Spartacus: A Game of Blood & Treachery
Gale Force Nine
Fantasy Flight Games
Legends of Andor
Fantasy Flight Games
Descent: Journeys in the Dark Second Edition – Lair of the Wyrm
Fantasy Flight Games
Go Goblin, Go!
Twilight Creations Inc.
Crazy Creatures of Dr. Gloom
Stronghold Games
Blood Bowl: Team Manager – Sudden Death
Fantasy Flight Games
Recently Released
Two Lanterns Games
Cool Mini Or Not, Guillotine Games
Stronghold Games
Doctor Who: The Card Game
Cubicle 7 Entertainment
Merchant of Venus – Revised edition
Fantasy Flight Games
Legacy: Gears of Time
Floodgate Games
SchilMil Games
Raid the Pantry
SchilMil Games
Descent: Journeys in the Dark Second Edition Conversion Kit
Fantasy Flight Games
Released before 2012
Ammonit Spiele, Huch and Friends
Good Help
Baksha Games
Munchkin Quest
Steve Jackson Games
Pirate King
Conquest of the Fallen Lands
Assa Games
I’m still dissappointed we don’t have more of the munchkin versions on the site yet. I appreciate munchkin quest, but I am patiently waiting for munchkin booty or munchkin impossible.
Looking forward to Spartacus and Legends of Andor. Can be true a good game of a TV series? And of course, must buy the Blood Bowl ampliation, just can´t wait to hit those elves, with the Drows.
I’m really excited about the Doctor Who Card game, but skeptical on how fun it is. I’ll probably pick up a copy this week and playtest with my brother. Review to follow, of course
Thanks. I thought they were only listed in a News article! It was neat to find 60% of them on my own this month.
@coltsfan76, you can see the list on the “Game Exploration Quests” page… The link is in the drop down under “Quests” in the main nav
@Jim How many do we have? I have stumbled across 3 of them so far.
Glad to see Spartacus there, my friend and I had a great time demoing it at GenCon.
@coltsfan76 Regarding Aeroplanes – It is a solid game (even though people have taken to nit-picking Wallace lately – see A Few Acres of Snow). It is considerably lighter than Automobile or Steam but with similar opportunities for direct conflict. It does have a hidden dept where people will probably not realize the quality of the game until later. My only complaint is that the quality of components is on the low side for Mayfair.
I’ll probably write an article about this, but there are new explorable games up
Trajan, Relic and an New Blood Bowl expansion! It’s gonna be a good Fall.
Trajan is such a frigging good game. So fully engaging on all levels.
Any feedback on Wallace’s Aeroplanes. Those in my group who demoed it at GenCon 2011 didn’t think much of it. But it seemed to be more polished at GenCon 2012. It appears like it a new take on his Automobile which I really enjoyed.
Zombicide, the Merchant of Venus reprint, Blood Bowl and Descent expansions, yippee!