Christian Strain
gamer level 2
422 xp
422 xp
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Critic (lvl 1)
265 xp
265 xp
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60 xp
60 xp
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60 xp
About Me
I'm an omnigamer so I enjoy euro-style games like Powergrid, Trajan, Village, Glass Road, Caverna, and Le Havre at the same time liking ameri-style games like Dead of Winter, Talisman, Colt Express, Betrayal at the House on the Hill, and Merchant of Venus.
I'm also a designer and publisher for Kraken Games. I've designed Evil Intent and Asking fro Trobils. There are many more designs on the way.
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I love this game. I was very surprised. The only thing that I’d have to complain about is that it feels a little too over-complicated. It seems like they could have streamlined it a little to make it less complicated.
Once you get through the second round you’ll have it all sorted out though. It seems like they could have gotten rid of the selling to an Adventurer, the Artifacts, and made debunking a little less convoluted. That would keep all the fun parts of the game and make things a little faster and easy to follow.
Still, don’t let that deter you. It’s a fun game if you’re into figuring out things through clues given.