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Ashes: Rise of the Phoenixborn
I got this game at Christmas and played for the first time this week. The first thing I must say about this game is the that the quality of the Art on the cards is simply amazing. Fernanda Suarez did an incredible job in rendering a fantasy setting that as a lot of potential and that looks and feel different from most of the other card game I own.
That being said, let’s jump into the review of the game play itself. It’s a pure PvP game that can be played by 2 to 4 players. There is absolutely no co-ops option. So if PvP is not your style, this game is not for you. Out of the box come 6 pre-made deck that are ready to use. I would recommend using those for your first few games. They are diverse enough in play style that it will give you a good idea of what you like to play before you jump into constructing your own deck. There is also a draft option which I have not tried yet but that looks interesting.
What differentiate this game form a lot of other card games is the fact that it contains dice that act as your Mana pool. It adds a layer of strategy to how you will play your cards, but it also adds a layer of pure luck of the role as you might be stuck with not being able to play you most powerful abilities.
All in all , after having played several games, I really like the mechanic of the game and how the different character give a different feel to each game.